Bands with no bad releases....

Dream theater etc are still modern, and tool dont even have the same amount of distortion, a total different type of heaviness etc.
They are not metal.

Yes I admit that Petrucci has a "modern" sound (in the bad way for me) and a lot of distortion EMG-style, but as you say, it's just a different type of heavyness, it doesn't mean that Tool is not metal. Lateralus and 10 000 days have a lot of powerfuls guitar parts.

Anyway, this is an endless debate because you won't change your mind, and I won't neither :lol:
Let me count the ways...

I'm actually selling off all of my Nile CDs on ebay right now.
I'm surprised you ever bothered with Nile in the first place.

I honestly even now don't think that they're all that bad. They're definitely the best truly 'modern' Death Metal band around, as far as I'm concerned, but I really have no interest or desire to listen to them ever. I probably only ever liked them because of the faint traces of the band's early roots. Karl Sanders should have stuck with his early thrash/death metal stuff, even though I've never heard any (if they even recorded any) I'm sure it's better than Nile.
There are tons of bands that I think have no bad releases, but the band I feel strongest about is Darkthrone. They've released so much different sounding metarial and have been ever changing yet they've stayed incredible.
Non-metal, but they kick so much ass.!0k days is also really good, IMO.

Pantera;I love them, but alot of there shit is shit

Living in Fort Worth, it's considered blasphemy to comment negatively about Pantera, so it was mandatory to my roots to mention them.

I don't care what any of you people say, I love Nile. They absolutely amaze me.

These 2 are just imo.

Despite Sacrament not being quite as good, Lamb of God has never put out a bad release, either.

Go ahead, flame me.
Living in Fort Worth, it's considered blasphemy to comment negatively about Pantera, so it was mandatory to my roots to mention them.

I can't believe that old school metalheads from that area would all be in love with Panterrible. They are what they are, and they are not what I consider to be essential metal. They may be metal, but to me they created sub-standard boring music, and I think many people agree. Where you live can't hold that much weight.
Yeah I did, that is still quite listeneable matter-of-factly.

I would call them Modern Prog Rock, but thats just me.

i disagree cuz modern prog rock bands have a sophisticated style that mixes technics with good taste, like Porcupine Tree, Presto Ballet, Rush (counterparts), Karmakanic, Transatlantic and anothers, and i'm pretty sure that Tool doens't have nothing in common with these bands.

And about pantera, people shouldn't see them as a nu metal band, cuz they weren't.