Bands with no bad releases....

I've listened to it many times. It's not bad on it's own, really, but it's very fucking sub par compared to other Tool albums. And since Metallica are disqualified for everything including and after the Black album, which on their own and not expecting them to be as good as the first four aren't bad, then Tool is disqualified on the same grounds.

Hum it's hard to have two masterpieces like Aenima and Lateralus in its discography :)

Why do you find it bad compared to other Tool albums?
I just prefer the old stuff a lot. A lot of 10,000 Days feels like filler. Right in Two is OK, Rosetta Stoned is OK, The Pot is fucking amazing, Vicarious is good, and the rest... just seems very sub par and underwritten.

Ok ;)

So do I by the way... I didn't like this album at the beginning, after a lot of listenings (a lot), I feel different about it...

Anyway, I don't think we can consider it as a "bad release".
After Mourning Beloveth release their fourth album later this year, they will definitely qualify. Two excellent albums, one very good one, and one good/great one (I haven't heard the one to be released later this year yet, but there is no way in fuck that it could possibly be bad).
Just like there was no way in fuck that the Giants could possibly beat the Patriots?!?!?!?! LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
I don't understand how people say on Terrible Certainty that Kreator sacrificed some of their extremity. they sound as ferocious as they always did, the songwriting is just a little more technical.
Two people saying that Tool is not metal the same day! It's really surprising, it's not really important by the way but it's because you compare to extreme metal or something?

Is it just rock music then? (Just to understand)
That sounds like a good reason. Have you heard Ithyphalic?
Yeah I did, that is still quite listeneable matter-of-factly.
Two people saying that Tool is not metal the same day! It's really surprising, it's not really important by the way but it's because you compare to extreme metal or something?

Is it just rock music then? (Just to understand)
I would call them Modern Prog Rock, but thats just me.