Bands you started listening to after seeing them live

Satanist Hobo

<witty title here>
Feb 25, 2010
Skeletonwitch - Saw them when they opened for Children of Bodom, Loved how Chance sounded, plus it was one of the most brutal moshes I've ever been in. Also got kicked in the face during Soul Thrashing Black Sorcery, got pushed into a pit with a skinhead dominating it while filming.

DevilDriver - Went for Goatwhore and Behemoth but I started listening to DD after. Also bought the DD shirt that says "I could fucking care less" on the back.

Between The Buried and Me - Opened for In Flames, no real story.
Skeletonwitch too! They fucking rule live.
Job For A Cowboy (don't listen much though)
High on Fire
3 - Jesus christ, best set ever, these guys fucking rule
Cynic - Wacken a few years ago. Hadn't listened to Focus before, they played the whole thing live and it kicked ass.

Tyr - Wacken again. Awesome.

Turisas - Same!

Negura Bunget - Saw them live... at Wacken. Talked to the singer during the Cynic set. Love them now.

And lots more.
Obituary. Saw them live last year, they were playing this gig with Belphegor and a friend gave me a courtesy ticket.

Never really enjoyed their albums, but their live performance just blew me away. One of the best gigs I've seen. Bought some of their material and definitely changed my opinion on the band...also confirmed my old opinion that Ralph Santolla is a great guitar player.
Negura Bunget to the max, Cynic to a certain extent - I'd heard Focus before but didn't really "get" it 'til I saw them.

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter but I got bored of listening to them pretty fast aha. I'd still watch 'em live though.

Probably several more, I'll try to remember a few. I'm a big advocate of seeing new and foreign bands, it's definitely got me interested in some real gems.
Opeth, Clutch and Judas Priest. Though I'm sure I would have started listening to them all whether I'd seen them or not.
At Starlite Room in Edmonton Alberta:
Veil of Maya
The Black Dahlia Murder

at Rickshaw Vancouver BC:
Annotations Of An Autopsy
I used to listen to Amon Amarth a long time back but sort of stopped caring, for a long time. When I saw them play live they blew my fucking mind away and prompted me to start listening to them more intently again.