Bands you would be surpise that Symphony X likes.

The rising of guitarist such as Van Halen, was far more influential than AC/DC! AC/DC where huge, but far from influential!

As for the Beetles... they are an acquired taste, and back than I suppose it was the right vibe for everyone. In this day and age I can barely stand to listen to a whole beetles album without feeling the need to punch a brit in the face for having scraggly teeth! Though, they do have some classics.

Edit: AC/DC did nothing for rock'n'roll except keep it running strong!
The rising of guitarist such as Van Halen, was far more influential than AC/DC! AC/DC where huge, but far from influential!

As for the Beetles... they are an acquired taste, and back than I suppose it was the right vibe for everyone. In this day and age I can barely stand to listen to a whole beetles album without feeling the need to punch a brit in the face for having scraggly teeth! Though, they do have some classics.

Edit: AC/DC did nothing for rock'n'roll except keep it running strong!

Um not true about ACDC. I hear people playing ACDC in guitar stores all the time. Back In Black is a very inspirational song. Listen to it! It is a classic. Just face it. The intro is amazing.

The people that ruined music would be a lot of punk bands :mad:
How about Led Zeppelin! Who does not like them? They are good. It's obvious skill!
mëtålspëd;8838369 said:
How are you able to dress yourself in the morning?

lol. I myself do think that they are skilled. Some of their songs are good... but a lot of them are the same and blend together. through the fire and flames and the valley of the damned are pretty good. some other songs are like copies. Sorry. I Like them. Don't love them. Nothing compared to SYMPHONY X! I am somewhat a fan but I laugh sometimes. I no longer believe they speed stuff up because I researched. The reason they sound bad live sometimes is because they get drunk a lot. lol. So... these days... I AM A FAN! Not an avid fan. I just think they are kind of cool. Not as skilled as bands like Symphony X, Halloween, or Kansas.
This is in defense of Dragonforce: (found it on the internet)

Controversy occurred in late 2006 shortly after the Inhuman Rampage tour went into full swing. On top of that, the band had many technical difficulties with the guitars, which at the time was the most "stand-out feature" in their music. The band also drop-tuned their instruments to E flat tuning for the first time. Herman Li stated, "Graspop Metal Meeting of 2006 was [a] total disaster. The technician we had back then didn't even tune the guitar, and no monitoring was done properly. We didn't hear anything...". He also said that most of the Inhuman Rampage tour was bad overall due to technical difficulties.[7] Due to all this, the Graspop 2006 performance is considered the band's worst performance and was enough to convince many DragonForce fans that they couldn't play live. Many rumors circulated around the internet that DragonForce faked their music in the studio and the guitar solos were sped up. Although it has since been proven untrue, the band still lost many fans due to these rumors. The gig also earned the band the nickname "Studioforce", meaning they relied on production for their full sound and couldn't play their own songs live, although later concerts have proven this false.
"coupled with low-quality recordings of the live performances that were subsequently uploaded to the Internet, created rumors of the band speeding up their music in-studio due to being unable to perform it live at such speeds, although these rumors were disproved by subsequent tours where the band performed their music at the same speed as it appears on the albums. Herman Li stated, "Graspop Metal Meeting of 2006 was [a] total disaster. The technician we had back then didn't even tune the guitar, and no monitoring was done properly. We didn't hear anything...". He also said that most of the Inhuman Rampage tour was bad overall due to technical difficulties."

From Wiki.

This is for the people who hate dragonforce because they seem too trendy. After seeing the comments regarding the ridiculous rumors that they speed up their music, it seems that some of us are damsels too stupid too realise we are in disress. Im not a fan of dragonforce but they CAN play cleanly without much polish. They jnust recycle their formula hense the spawn of fast solos being viewed as cliche.

Not a note missed. (Dont bother correcting me if im wrong about that part. you get the point.)
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To the post above:

"Not a note missed"

Well, he couldn't "miss" a note because there was nothing there to be missed. It was just guitar wanking at its finest. And YES, they do speed some of their shit up in studio, I am 100% positive. I mean, who could do those 100% accurate 20 notes per second runs...No one still alive. (*cough*Shawn Lane*cough*)

As for the live performances, it's always easy to find excuses, but whatever...we all can agree that they are far from the best band live, are there technical problems or not.

"...although these rumors were disproved by subsequent tours where the band performed their music at the same speed as it appears on the albums"

Playing at the tempo is a thing; playing correctly at the tempo is another.

I've always wondered if DF diehard fans actually still believe in Santa...that would explain a lot of things.
If its not sped up how come it sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks ? That right there did not, its the songs themselves even ignoring the solos, the riffs and drums under the vocals sound strange like they are sped up, it was right in my face before I got through the first song... how can people miss that ? doesnt matter I guess, theres alot better music out there anyhow.
If its not sped up how come it sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks ? That right there did not, its the songs themselves even ignoring the solos, the riffs and drums under the vocals sound strange like they are sped up, it was right in my face before I got through the first song... how can people miss that ? doesnt matter I guess, theres alot better music out there anyhow.

Right on. :heh:
People seem to be forgetting that the Beatles were wasted off their ass half the time... ''I am the egg man...'' holy sh*t
I realize this next statement makes me a bit of a freak on forums like this one, but I actually like Nickleback, first and foremost because they have really good lyrics... Few of those hit somewhat at home... I also think that the lead singer is really good and their melodies are unusual. But I'm sure that's just me. I don't think they're bad, just somewhere down the line it became popular to trash them so everybody thinks they have to or they won't be considered cool.

But I'd be surprised if anyone in Sym X listened to them:p Or Sonata Antartica. Or Poison. But I've been surprised before.
This thread is still floating around haha.

ACDC was not influential. Being popular, and influential are two very different things. As far as there songs being played, that's because its very acessible. There stuff isn't to complicated, and you can find the tabs everywhere. And most aspiring guitarists start by learning back in black, thunderstruck, highway to hell. They are staple songs.

EDIT: I must fix one thing, they didn't influence any style or genre in the music industry. Did ACDC influence many people to pick up the guitar? For sure!

As far as Dragon Force goes... I honestly don't know if they speed their stuff up in studio, but they def' do fuck their live performances often. Even for 'Guitar World: Bet you can't play this' Herman Li could not play his own shit. Which defeats the purpose, how can anyone possibly play something that he can't even play. There is even a mock video of it on Youtube somewhere. Makes me laugh out loud every damn time. I personally cannot stand the band, my younger brother is into them.

There is nothing appealing about their music, not the vocals, not the lyrics, not the guitar. Nada! At least, that's in my opinion. Obviously people like them, they sell records sadly. But I think most of those records are given as gifts since I don't no anyone in there right might who would waste there hard earned cash on Dragon Force lol. If its in the bargain bin? Maybe... Downloaded? Even bigger of a maybe. Guns N Roses-Chinese Democracy has more chance of putting a dent in my wallet than a Dragon Force entire Discography digi pack, with a live dvd ever would!
Dragonforce has some really good songs. In the Valley of The Damned and Sonic Firestorm albums they are awesome. It's the new Dragonforce that you guys speak of.
Guys... Check this out! Just amazing huh?

(For those who care there are 2 curse words in this) Haha! Some of the sounds in this one are unedited!

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