
Bathory are definitely not overrated in terms of innovation and influence, though their music is not the most technical, and there are better guitarists out there than Quorthon was. Quorthon was a creative force; a true innovator that helped spawn a whole genre.
Erik said:
wow the worst posters on the board are the same ones that don't like bathory

what a fucken curveball huh

I really doubt someone's online persona on a computer screen has anything to do with when they listen to music. Regardless everytime you make a post you bitch wine & compain about everyone's opinion. Next time a band is talked i'm going to say I love them and their albums just to avoid this.

For now on everyone on this board is going to have no idea if I really like something or not because i'm going to just agree the majority in a thread. 12 out of 15 like the band i'll do a little search in a min so I know some titles,etc.. so I look good.

I'm going to recomend bathory albums to noobs i've never heard so I look kvlt.
The Greys said:
I really doubt someone's online persona on a computer screen has anything to do with when they listen to music. Regardless everytime you make a post you bitch wine & compain about everyone's opinion. Next time a band is talked i'm going to say I love them and their albums just to avoid this.

For now on everyone on this board is going to have no idea if I really like something or not because i'm going to just agree the majority in a thread. 12 out of 15 like the band i'll do a little search in a min so I know some titles,etc.. so I look good.

I'm going to recomend bathory albums to noobs i've never heard so I look kvlt.
hi i suggest you shut up
The important thing about Bathory was that they did something new. Without Bathory, there would have been no Darkthrone, and without Darkthrone, there would have been no black metal as we know it today. Even if Bathory's music was minimalistic, which it is not, compared to many other black metal bands, it is the innovative quality that counts. Complexity does not = good music. Take Dream Theater for instance, they are complex, but are one of the WORST bands ever passed off as metal. Bathory, Possessed, Tormentor, Death, were great bands developing the genre of metal.
Life Sucks said:
Take Dream Theater for instance, they are complex, but are one of the WORST bands ever passed off as metal.


Infact, they are one of the worst bands ever passed off as music.
...back on topic, I quite like the Bathory I've heard, but it doesn't have the Godlike quality many of you seem to hold it in. Maybe it's because I'm old enough to remember it when it came out, and my taste in metal at the time (Mainstream Thrash etc, Saxon, Maiden) meant that it just sounded pretty bad.

Of course, I realise they're highly influential, and that can't be underestimated. Maybe it's because I'm not a huge BM or Viking fan? From the first wave of BM bands, I'll always prefer Mercyful Fate, even though they bear very little relation to their sucessors.