Batman The Dark Knight

Christian Bale is the king. For his performance in American Psycho alone he is to be worshipped as an incredible actor.

A piece of trivia relating to Christian Bale is that whenever he plays a character with an American accent he will do all of the press and interviews in an American accent so as not to confuse people, as he would do if he suddenly started speaking in his usual English accent. He is from the United Kingdom if anyone didn't know.

Worship the Bateman!
Ironically the last Ledger movie I saw was Candy (2007) that dealt heavily with the destructiveness of drug abuse. Now I am not saying Ledger was an addict or anything, but he did die of drugs, we know that much. I also thought his acting in Candy was great, haven't seen Brokeback yet.

I want you to clean your vagina.

I'd google his yahoo...if I was a chick of course.
I assume a new Terminator would be set after the machines take over, right? I don't really remember the third one, but I think one that takes place during the war would be fucking awesome. I hope it's confirmed that Bale will be playing Connor. He'll be perfect in that role.
yeah, he IS playing Connor. and it will take place during the war. It should (unless the writers are morons) be awesome. Hopefully they show how he gets the giant scar on his face.
I assume a new Terminator would be set after the machines take over, right? I don't really remember the third one, but I think one that takes place during the war would be fucking awesome. I hope it's confirmed that Bale will be playing Connor. He'll be perfect in that role.

yeah, he IS playing Connor. and it will take place during the war. It should (unless the writers are morons) be awesome. Hopefully they show how he gets the giant scar on his face.

It'll be set about 9 years in the future when he is leading the resistance. There will be another character that will be developed during the film that will carry the series, apparently