Beer, Slayer & Bus -- The August Adventure Thread

Loving cities and loving nature are not mutually exclusive feelings. I'll go get lost in the desert for a days on end and then take a Starbucks Tour Across The State two weeks later, who cares.
Some pics of my current hometown, Port Alberni.


On our way down to the quay.


Mt. Arrowsmith overlooking the town.






Comox Glacier in the background.

lurch70 said:
its trees and water people ... trees and water
Yeah, isn't it beautiful?! :p
lurch70 said:
ok, I love you all and some of you are going to take this the wrong way ... :loco: ... but all those gazillion shots of nature posted on this forum ...

its trees and water people ... trees and water

if you're trying to say it's infinitely better in person then i agree completely...i see what you mean, there's only a certain number of photos you can take of rivers, trees, mountains, etc. but every place is a different when experienced in person :rock:
Despite the nagging, a few impressions from our West Coast trip:


ghostlike trees (picture taken from car)


Kennedy River


Long Beach in the fog


kelp at Long Beach


trees in the fog near Wickaninnish Beach


view from Radar Hill


view from different lookout on Radar Hill... fog rolling in from the sea

If anyone for some reason is interested in seeing more pictures of Kanadarrrr, click here .
Conspicuously Absent said:
meh, cityfolks just don't quite get it :p

you see "generic trees and water and rocks"

we see the differences and that every view is different and special to those who truly enjoy nature.


it's all good

This post literally fucking infuriated me.
ok ... this photos painting like quality is pretty stunning ... and so is the scenery.

snow2fall said:
Despite the nagging, a few impressions from our West Coast trip:

view from Radar Hill

view from different lookout on Radar Hill... fog rolling in from the sea

If anyone for some reason is interested in seeing more pictures of Kanadarrrr, click here .
lizard said:
Tully don't be so urban dude.

Seriously, 'city folks don't quite get it :p' could possibly be one of the most fucking stupid things I've ever read.

YES NEW YORK BOSTON AND OTHER PLACES ARE SOOOOOOOO FAR AWAY FROM THE WILDERNESS, all we see is buildings and black people all day long mixed in with trading gold with Jews on Wallstreet and burning down oldgrowth forests and going to Church. Suck my cock.

(not you lizard, unless you wanna shnuckums.)

PS: ':p ' doesn't make it less gay, because you really do meen it.
Yeah I much prefer living in the city and being 45 minutes from the middle of nothingness as opposed to the other way around. Maybe when I'm 64 I'd rather live in a yurt somewhere.
lizard said:
I was joking somewhat, to each their own...but I know there is a power in a forest that a row of tall buildings cannot match.

depends what type of power you are trying to channel