Beer, Slayer & Bus -- The August Adventure Thread

MadeInNewJersey said:
no offense, but never happen, not this October - NYC area ain't Minneapolis

you said yourself Warsaw was "booked solid" every weekend through October, and that was back in December

we;ll see about that ... some people need to get on calling Jersey venues *cough ... even in the dead of night of weekdays ... that's when the people running the joints are usually there bored and ready to talk.

Going out tomorrow. :wave:

snow2fall said:
I already told you I'm not going to waste any time and energy on hurting you. Grow up, drop your nazism, and you might become an acceptable person.

I can't just reply with a simple ":lol:" since Erik already did that and if I did I'd become

but since I still want to do that, a simple "lol" will have to suffice.





Moose, do you know of a shop that has the Of the Wand and the Moon boxset?

edit: If there's one thing that he's already taken care of, it's "growing up"...
But seriously...

I'm going to come forward now, and get ready for it, the whole "nazi" thing, has been, from day one, a huge. joke.

I only seriously started to perpetuate the joke after the "GODDAMN NAZI!" incident, because I thought it was INSANELY FUNNY.

I can see where the idea probobly originally came from, what with my love of certain neofolk bands who use/have used fascist aesthetic in the past, or for my love of the Italian philosopher Julius Evola (who was NEVER a member of the fascist party, and actually quite often criticized it). Not to mention my other loves of NSBM (doesn't make you a nazi by listening to it, just look at JayKeeley), and my love of Northern European culture (that really makes me a nazi, now doesn't it?)

The joke has been carried on for quite some time now, and personally, I'm getting tired of it... especially since it seems that only at least one person on this forum doesn't realize it's a joke, and at least one person continues to attack me for that.

Third Reich jokes are FUNNY. If Germany is ever going to get over its history, they're going to have to be able to laugh at themselves for it. Hiding the symbols of the past only makes the symbols as powerful as they were when they were hidden. If the symbols are made public again, they will be eventually be rendered meaningless. Case in point, how the curse words "Jesus Christ..." "Goddamn" or "Fuck" (thank you Ozzy Osbourne), have in popular culture become meaningless words and practically take on adjectival qualities these days.

Then again, if Germany continues to get worked up about stuff like this or this there is presently no hope.

anyway, I'm done ranting.

I am no much more of a nazi than Mike, Erik, or Max (Fucking Johnson).

Jokes are always so much funnier when you're forced to explain them.
lol .. that you had to explain yourself ... perosnally, i think "the" person you are referring to was not too serious about the accusations either ... and is notorious for not using smileys.

ok, lets get this thread back to happier pastures.

moose is not a nazi ... next