
Being the patriotic South Aussie that I am - Coopers Pale Ale - cannot be beaten
MGD is my fav with Grain Belt Premium coming in really close at second. I also really like Leinies Red and Amberbock. They have some good flavor.

P.S. I almost forgot Miller High Life. That is a good summertime drinking in the sun kinda Beer.
Right now Blue Moon is my favorite. I'm not a big fan of the slice of orange they add at the bars, but the beer sure tastes good.
Out of the lower end of beers, like if I want to get shit-faced, I drink Bud Light or Budweiser. If I want a beer or two with dinner, I drink Guiness or a Black and Tan using Guiness and Harp.

I found that my beer tastes really changed over the years. I didn't originally "like" beer. As I acquired the taste, I started to enjoy more and more kinds of beers and their different flavors.

Side note: The only 2 beers I absolutely, positively will not drink: at least not in the U.S.A. are Heineken and Foster's--both very shitty flavors to me.
BLATZ!!! America's finest premium Beer since 1851!!! The man to be the 1st to put beer into a Bottle.

Also, grain Belt is pretty good. Used to be $4.50 a case, when I was in college (circa 1989).

If you haven't enjoyed a Blatz, I strongly suggest you go get some. I even visited his grave last year.....the "Big 3" were all in the same boneyard, right next to each other (the "Big 3" being Blatz, Pabst & Schlitz: The GIANTS of Milwaukee beer!)