
Popped open the first Baltic Porter from Leinenkugel's Big Eddy series to be had in my town tonight. Pretty solid, strong toffee and chocolate notes with a rich fruit finish.
sounds delicious. I had Knee Deep's Hop Shortage yesterday. It's a dangerously drinkable triple IPA clocking in at 12%abv. There's no boozy heat and it's not overwhelming in anyway. If they bottle this, I'm gonna by the shit out of it. Between this and Simtra, Knee Deep is killing it lately
Picked up a 6 pack of Bell's Double Cream Stout. Not nearly as good as some other kinds I've had, but certainly worth my money.
so L.A. Beer Week is in full swing. The other night my girlfriend and I went to Beachwood BBQ for the first night of their Farmhouse Ale fest. Had three saisons: Logsdon Seizoen Bretta, Saison de Pipaix and one other one I forgot. The Logsdon was my favorite, but I've had it before. It's actually brewed in a farmhouse in Oregon. Good stuff.

Today I'm heading out with a couple of friends to a bar in little Tokyo for Kern River Brewing Co's tap takeover. I'm drooling already. They make some of my favorite IPA's (Alpine is a close second)
Tonight I picked up a 4 pack of Samuel Smith's India Ale, a sixer of Goose Island Harvest Ale, & a sixer of Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. I am loving the Goose Island Harvest Ale, nothing spectacular, but it is very drinkable. The Cherry Wheat does not score high on most beer review sites, but it is a long time favorite of mine. I believe it was the first craft beer I ever had in my early high school years, & it tastes exactly as it did then.
Had a couple glasses of a really solid german honey whiskey tonight (Barenjager) and am in the process of enjoying a few Laughing Fox Kristal Weizen's from New Glarus while cleansing the ole palette.
New Beligum's Folly Pack follows the general trend they've set for themselves: very good, but nothing great/out of the ordinary. Definitely ideal for a long night of easy drinking, though.

Pretty interesting taste, not exactly what I was expecting but very enjoyable none the less.

Also picked up a 4 pack of Founders Breakfast Stout! Excited to try that one tomorrow!
There's this brewery in Redlands, California, USA that's called Hangar 24. They have this Orange Wheat Ale that's pretty good.

Hangar 24 makes some pretty solid stuff. Their Alt Bier and Helles Lager are pretty tasty. I hope their Gourdgeous makes it down to LA (I'm sure it will)
Digging into Lift Bridge's Saison today during some football. Really good, spicy stuff. It's making me crave some good Asian food.
hitting up a really good beer bar tonight with Challenge Everything...gonna make sure he gets to try some good, hard to find california beers