
I got fucking DRUNK Friday night at a bar outside Pittsburgh. They had this wall with nothing but fridges and you just went up to it, grabbed a bottle, and drank it. I have no idea how they kept track, considering there was a good hundred people there. Anyways, I took pics of all the beers that I had, I'll upload them sometime if I remember. Here was my list:

Ithaca Country Pumpkin Ale
Helltown Rapture IPA
Troegs Hop Back
Thunderhop IPA

And a scary amount of Yuengling Lager. I picked up another case to take back home with me. Crushing one right now. What a great lager.
I read that they were looking to build another Brewery somewhere closer to the Midwest. The furthermost western state that they ship to is either Ohio or Indiana. Just one or two more states over. I'd buy it all the time. It's cheap, and fucking good.
I read that they were looking to build another Brewery somewhere closer to the Midwest. The furthermost western state that they ship to is either Ohio or Indiana. Just one or two more states over. I'd buy it all the time. It's cheap, and fucking good.

Yeah, I was quite fond of it at MDF & the store price for it was excellent. We should have brought some back with us. We could have got it at the one gas station where the kids & their Dad were handing out Jesus pamphlets. :lol:
hitting up a really good beer bar tonight with Challenge Everything...gonna make sure he gets to try some good, hard to find california beers

Loved the Goose Island saison!

I had a glass of Allagash Curieux (barrel aged tripel) on tap tonight, that was pretty awesome. A curious (no pun intended) amalgam of styles, the crisp fruity front palate of a belgian tripel with a rather fiery aftertaste. Probably something I would appreciate even more with some tart cheese
yeah I like how I said you'd have some hardcore cali beers, and all you got were Goose Island beers lol. oh well. you'll get your share in san diego
I read that they were looking to build another Brewery somewhere closer to the Midwest. The furthermost western state that they ship to is either Ohio or Indiana. Just one or two more states over. I'd buy it all the time. It's cheap, and fucking good.

Ohio has it IN does not. I drink it every time i go to Ft Lee for certain schools. The Black And Tan from that brand is really good.

^ Need to have this at least once a season as a lover of beer and Autumn.


^ Wisconsin Belgian Red cherry ale from New Glarus. Only sold in 750ml bottles, and per all New Glarus beer, only sold in Wisconsin. If you have doubts about 'fruity' beer you need to try this or their Raspberry Tart out when you have the chance. Completely changed the ball game for me. This one became reminiscent of cherry cobbler upon it sitting out for a bit.
Ohio has it IN does not. I drink it every time i go to Ft Lee for certain schools. The Black And Tan from that brand is really good.

One of the only alcohol benefits of being in PA. Yuengling is cheap as fuck and available everywhere.
Beer line up for football today :

Flying Dog Dogtoberfestx2
Left Hand Milk Stout x2
Founders Porter
Founders Dirty Bastard

22oz Crispen hard cider
LA just started getting Boulevard, so I'm really excited.

This came in my mail the other day.


As somebody in California, I'm EXTREMELY excited. I haven't had Bourbon County Brad Stout in a couple of years. I was able to get eight 12oz bottles, so I should be stocked for a few years. So fucking stoked