
Grabbed a six pack of yuengling summer wheat last night. Has some weird chewing gum aftertaste. Can't decide if it's pink bubblegum or juicy fruitish. Either way, it's weird.
Three Philosophers is a sexy beer. Went out drinking with my buddy last night. The highlight was splitting a bottle of Deschutes Mirror Mirror red wine barrel aged barleywine...absolutely delicious. I'm glad I snagged a bottle to go because it should age beautifully

I really wanna try a good barleywine. I tried Hog Heaven barleywine by Avery Brewing and that was a drain-pour for me. It was the hoppiest thing I've had yet. Deschutes sounds legit.

I had a Yeungling Black and Tan on tap the other day... it was OK. At least it didn't taste like gum.
sounds like you'd be more interested in English barleywines. If you're able to get it, Firestone Walker's Sucaba is, in my opinion, the best it's bourbon barrel aged. J.W. Lee's aren't too difficult to come by at any respectable beer shop. Weyerbacher Insanity may be distributed in your neck of the woods
couldn't say. We don't get Weyerbacher out in Cali, so I've only had their Double Simcoe (which was fine) and a couple other offerings
Grabbed a six pack of yuengling summer wheat last night. Has some weird chewing gum aftertaste. Can't decide if it's pink bubblegum or juicy fruitish. Either way, it's weird.

Despite living within their marketing area, I haven't had the opportunity to try it. I've enjoyed their other seasonals, like their Bock or Lord Chesterfield (maybe that one's not a seasonal, I'm not sure), so I'm sure it's good. Yeungling is without question the best bang for the buck out there. I'll lament losing Yuengling if I move out of the area.
Yuengling is pretty much my go to, as I've lamented on my lack of interesting options in this thread before. I like pretty much every wheat beer I've ever tried minus some lienenkeugels nastiness I had a while back and yuengling's in no exception, despite its oddball flavor, I will definitely buy some more.
Damn, 'Folklore' is an excellent stout. It's got a sweet kick to it. Stillwater Artisinal is fast becoming a favorite brewery of mine. 'Cellar Door' was also fantastic.
Decided to do just that ^

Went with my favorite Utah brewery - really can't go wrong with these guys. They pull off some brews that even Colorado's giants can't seem to master.

This Saison's spicy, crisp, and delicious, just as a saison should be.
Had a few good brews recently. I tried one called 'He'Brew Death of a Contract Brewer' by Shmaltz Brewing. It was a black IPA, and I appreciated an IPA in this style. Not so heavy, but the dark quality seemed to compliment the hops well.
I recently went to Florida for an interview and tried Funky Buddhas 'Floridian'. It is a hefeweizen with a citrus/ banana backbone. Really went down nicely.
Last night I tried Wormtown Brewing's 'Be Hoppy'. Just a really good IPA. I've been appreciating them more and more with more exposure.
Might try my 'Chocolate Sombrero' tonight.
just came back from San Diego. Hit up Alesmith, Societe, White Labs and Modern Times. All were fantastic. White Labs was interesting since it's actually a yeast company. They'll brew a beer and then separate it into several batches with different yeast strains to show the influence of yeast on the beer. Pretty cool stuff

I had been to Alesmith before so nothing new there. Modern Times and Societe blew me away though. Modern Times has become one of my go-to breweries in the past year. Their tasting room and brewery space were awesome.
^ sounds like a good time.

I think I can safely say I dislike chocolate flavored stouts. The 'Chocolate Sombrero' was an epic failure. Samuel Smith's Chocolate Stout sucked balls also. I shall be avoiding those in the future, though the idea of them is still appealing...
I had no idea there was such a thing as an oyster stout; I should try one. I like espresso, spices, oatmeal,and I'm up to try anything new that sounds promising. I hear chili beers are an interesting experience, may need to hit one of those next.
Had a Sapporo while at a sushi bar last night. I think it's one of the lesser evils of the lager variety. Goes well with sushi at least. Any good rice based beers out there?