
Any of you guys been to the Golden Road brewery out here? Ordered a flight and tried out a few of their beers before jumping in. The Wolf Amongst Weeds DIPA is definitely their best offering ... absolutely delicious, as were most of their other IPA's. Their Hudson porter and brown ale were okay, and the Hefe was no good. I had bought a 4-pack of those Hefe's before and they went down much better.

I've never really been impressed by them. I've always thought their beers were okay at best. Their berliner weisse is probably my favorite that they brew.
yea, only brews from them that i'll go back to are Wolf Amongst Weeds and i forgot the name of the other IPA that i really enjoyed, it was either Heal the Bay or Point the Way.

My latest haul ...



... really looking forward to trying that Pranqster.
Ballast Point's 'Big Eye' does not disappoint, although I do prefer 'Sculpin' thus far. It has a less citrusy base than Sculpin', but at the same time it does feel richer somewhat. A fantastic brew.
Tried Founder's Rubaeus and didn't quite care for it. Too much of the raspberry taste so much so that its overpowering.

Decided to stick with Bell's Oberon for this summer's drink of choice.
Franziskaner Hefeweizen
Weihenstephaner Hefeweizen
Hoegaarden Witbier
Allagash White
Sierra Nevada Kellerweis

... all great wheat bears with just about no bitterness.

Modern Times Fortunate Islands is also one of the best wheat beers around, but its a bit on the hoppier side when compared to the others.

and i also have a soft spot for Widmer Bros Hefe ... still one of my favorites.
I've seen Dirtwolf out here in plenty of shops. Victory has a decent distribution here

Went to Alpine Beer Co today to indulge myself in the best fucking IPAs. Had my fair share of Nelson, Duet, Pure Hoppiness and a few others. Came home with six bombers. It was a good day
I don't miss it at all. Fuck alcohol. It's not that hard to quit and it's fucking worth it. I've seen what it does to people's minds over time. It rapes your fucking brain.
I've seen Dirtwolf out here in plenty of shops. Victory has a decent distribution here

Really? I've never seen it in any of the stores/marts that i go to.

I don't miss it at all. Fuck alcohol. It's not that hard to quit and it's fucking worth it. I've seen what it does to people's minds over time. It rapes your fucking brain.

Yea, but drinking a beer or two a day shouldn't be a problem.
Drinking one or two beers a day actually winds me down a little and relaxes me. There might actually be a few "health benefits" to drinking a beer a day.

But yea, consuming large amounts of alcohol is VERY bad. Getting drunk on a regular basis will fuck you up worse (mentally and physically)than almost anything else i can think of.
If it stays a beer or two a day then it shouldn't be a problem and may be good for the heart. Obviously people get a bit carried away with it and bad things do result. Everything in moderation.
Yeah, I'm a full-blown alcoholic, and if it gets bad enough (at least a case of beer most nights of the week, in my situation), it can fuck with a lot of things. Even if you're a rational, level-headed drunk, as I am, it still kills the wallet, eradicates your memory, and leads to things like widespread concern among family members. Oddly, it made me lose a bunch of weight, probably because it interfered with my eating habits, but I'd hate to see what my health is like.

Having said that, I think you have to be really sanctimonious or have had a related traumatic experience to seriously entertain the idea that a drink or two a night is going to do any serious harm.
The reason I quit alcohol is because I lose even basic self preservation after getting drunk. Like I would call a guy with a gun pointed at me gay or something and laugh.