
Imperial Red was sold out, so i went with a sixer of their Censored ...


... man do these guys know how to brew, everything in their lineup is fucking solid!
To be clear I was talking about a Scottish ale, and yes I drain poured two of them. Can't remember the last time I had to pour a beer out.
Grabbed a six of Great Lakes Winter Ale. Never had a winter warmer type beer so I'm looking forward to it. Given the discontent in this thread with the SA edition, I thought GL might be a safer go to.
So last week was a disaster for my liver. Friends flew in from out of town, so we spent Friday in San Diego brewery hopping. Went to Alpine, Societe, and Modern Times. Had about 7 beers total. Came home then went to Beachwood where they had Hill Farmstead, Cantillon, and Drie Fonteinen on tap for a special event. Had a few beers there. That night I had the worst beer shits of my life.

Sunday was The Shelton Brothers Festival. Normally, it's held on the east coast, but this year it was held in my hometown. Here were some of the highlights:
Cantillon Fou Foune
Drie Fonteinen Hommage and 1998 Gueuze
Jester King Colour Five
Hill Farmstead Brother Soigne
Cellarmaker Rodney Dankerfield
Anchorage Time Waits for No One
Struise Black Damnation
Prairie Bomb
Crooked Stave Raspberry Origins & L'Brett D'or Grand Cru

and so many more. It was hands down the best beer festival I've ever been to. What was especially nice was the fact it wasn't a clusterfuck shitshow. The longest I had to wait for a pour was maybe five minutes. God I hope they have it over here again

Cool beer. Pretty tasty too. Its supposedly a Belgian Tripple and American IPA hybrid beer. Very hoppy but also has that orange/coriander combo.
So last week was a disaster for my liver. Friends flew in from out of town, so we spent Friday in San Diego brewery hopping. Went to Alpine, Societe, and Modern Times. Had about 7 beers total. Came home then went to Beachwood where they had Hill Farmstead, Cantillon, and Drie Fonteinen on tap for a special event. Had a few beers there. That night I had the worst beer shits of my life.

Sunday was The Shelton Brothers Festival. Normally, it's held on the east coast, but this year it was held in my hometown. Here were some of the highlights:
Cantillon Fou Foune
Drie Fonteinen Hommage and 1998 Gueuze
Jester King Colour Five
Hill Farmstead Brother Soigne
Cellarmaker Rodney Dankerfield
Anchorage Time Waits for No One
Struise Black Damnation
Prairie Bomb
Crooked Stave Raspberry Origins & L'Brett D'or Grand Cru

and so many more. It was hands down the best beer festival I've ever been to. What was especially nice was the fact it wasn't a clusterfuck shitshow. The longest I had to wait for a pour was maybe five minutes. God I hope they have it over here again

That sounds like a fantastic time dude:kickass:

I had Le Freak a couple months back at The Yard House. A good hoppy tripel.

Last night I had an Ommegang Adoration, a dark winter ale at 10%. It was spicy and fruity, well suited for the upcoming season. Though now that I'm in Florida winter has lost some of its impact.
I'm trying to take advantage of the "pick your beer" 6 pack sampler my local bourgeoisie market offers, to try some different types without committing to a whole 6pack/12 pack. Currently Drinking a Bison Brewing Organic Chocolate Stout. Didn't expect to like chocolate in my beer but it's been surprisingly good. Not that it would be a regular thing though.
So has anyone had Flying Dog's double IPA? The few beers I've had from there weren't too great but it's rated highly on beer advocate. It's also a massive 11% and like 85 ibu, which intrigues me and kinda scares me.
Double post but fuck you. My liquor store has Samuel smith organic chocolate stout again. My weekend is gonna fukkkin rawk.
Picked up a bottle of Avery's TWEAK, their bourbon barrel aged coffee stout (I think it's the same base beer as Mephistopheles). Can't wait to open it