
Sam Adams Winter Lager is back. Can't tell if this year's batch is a dud or my palette just doesn't enjoy it as much as it used to, which is the case with the Boston Lager now.
Sam Adams Winter Lager is back. Can't tell if this year's batch is a dud or my palette just doesn't enjoy it as much as it used to, which is the case with the Boston Lager now.

I was at Outback the other day and that was the only remotely craft beer they had so I grabbed it. Gotta say, I was impressed as I was able to appreciate the spices in it.
Fuck Sierra Nevada Coffee Stout is awesome, i like it more than Narwal. Bummed i only have 3. Their Porter is damn good too.
^ I'll have to give that a go sometime. Narwhal is awesome.

Had a toasted coconut porter by Orange Blossom Pilsner, and it wasn't very good. It was light for a porter, without much of a toasted coconut flavor. Oh well. It was followed by a Lagunitas IPA, which of course is excellent.
New Winter Lager is just okay; had it on tap at a restaurant the other night. Not sure if the recipe had changed or whatever but I agree it was just meh. Not one of my favs anyway though. There's no way it's a "dud batch" because their QC is amazing, but they might have just changed it for the worse.
Sorry to double post (no I'm not who am I kidding) but I'm currently sipping on 2014 Backwoods Bastard that I picked up yesterday... YUM! Clown Shoes put out a competitively good beer recently (Ride the Lion, a BBA Scotch ale with heather tips) but this is still king of the style as far as I'm concerned.
New Winter Lager is just okay; had it on tap at a restaurant the other night. Not sure if the recipe had changed or whatever but I agree it was just meh. Not one of my favs anyway though. There's no way it's a "dud batch" because their QC is amazing, but they might have just changed it for the worse.

I had it out of a bottle so it wouldn't surprise me that it's better on tap. The flavor was not as bold as I remember.
So i tried a Scottish Ale today (Maxwell's) and im pretty sure its disgusting. Its got a positive rating on beer advocate (85%) and just blech. Tastes like in drinking flat alcoholic RC cut with soy sauce. Apparently not a style for me.
I'm not sure if there's a difference between a Scottish ale or a Scotch ale, but Oskar Blues Old Chub is thee tits! Popped a few cans yesterday ...


Scottish ale and Scotch ale are quite a bit different. I could see how expecting one kind and getting the other would be disorienting and/or disappointing. Scottish ales are closer to a brown ale/english bitter type thing. A lot less malty and boozy and unlikely to feature any smokiness.

I had a FW Parabola last week. Without question one of the best imperial stouts out there. I actually prefer it to Sucaba or the anniversary ale.

Tonight I got my hands on a Grapefruit Sculpin. Holy crap, 5/5.