fuck ftagn
That's a bummer. I had the Pumpkyn last night and thought it was okay. I also have Avery Black Eye in the fridge...looking forward to cracking that one open
Armsby Abbey is awesome.
I acquired some New Glarus beers tonight. They make some nice beers, but are heavily overrated due to availability bias. The Belgian-style fruit beers are very nice, but very low abv. No one would like to drink an entire 750 of 3.5% tart strawberry rhubarb beer. It's good for about 4 ounces, but then it's time for some heft. It's what you pour for mom at Thanksgiving while you hit the harvest ales.
Spotted Cow is tough to defend. I imagine scarcity and homerism are the only things inflating the rating. If the competition is High Life or PBR, sure, it wins, but it's not better than tons of craft beer. Wisconsinites need to climb off the high horse when it comes to this one.
Tried Lagunitas Imperial Red today, was surprisingly good. 9/10. At least on tap it was up there with some of the best reds I've had. I think my top 5 styles of beer are:
1) Reds
I tried a Anderson Valley's Boont Amber Ale a few days ago and absolutely loved it. I'm definitely gonna be getting some of that Lagunitas Imperial Red. What are some other good Ambers and Reds?
Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA is my favorite Dogfish Head beer so far. Just tried it damn good.