
That's a bummer. I had the Pumpkyn last night and thought it was okay. I also have Avery Black Eye in the fridge...looking forward to cracking that one open
Dude what happened to cellaring it for a year haha? Yeah it was unfortunate I hated it but it was definitely something I needed to try. Oddly the other drain pour I've had was Avery also. It was Hog Heaven barleywine, but that's because I hated IPA's back then and it was a huge IPA barleywine.
I landed another bottle. For what it's worth, I hated Rumpkin the first time I had it too, but something about it clicked with me. I love Avery's barrel program...I've always found them to be really boozy, which is what I like.

Had the following last night with my girlfriend and two friends:
Logsdon Oak Aged Bretta
The Commons Myrtle
Beachwood Melrose
Prairie Bomb
Avery Pump[ky]n

All are some of my favorites, with the first two being my favorite saisons. Good stuff
Had two brews at a place called Armsby Abbey last night. One was Dogfish Head Rosabi. I've always been intrigued by it as it's supposed to be brewed with wasabi. The wasabi flavor was there, but not a huge part of the taste. It did have some nice hops as it does fall under the category of pale ale. Not a bad brew. The other one I had was a sour beer called Jolly Pumpkin Biere de Mars. It was interesting, but had a grape soda like vibe to it. I don't usually have many sours so it was a good change up for me.

Pretty hoppy Pilsner, not bad.
I acquired some New Glarus beers tonight. They make some nice beers, but are heavily overrated due to availability bias. The Belgian-style fruit beers are very nice, but very low abv. No one would like to drink an entire 750 of 3.5% tart strawberry rhubarb beer. It's good for about 4 ounces, but then it's time for some heft. It's what you pour for mom at Thanksgiving while you hit the harvest ales.

Spotted Cow is tough to defend. I imagine scarcity and homerism are the only things inflating the rating. If the competition is High Life or PBR, sure, it wins, but it's not better than tons of craft beer. Wisconsinites need to climb off the high horse when it comes to this one.

Spotted Cow is such shit. I'd rather just drink a PBR, hell I might even take a Stella Artois over it.

I had the Warlock on draft at Fischman's the other day, it was good, but not overwhelmingly better than Pumking. I'd venture to say they're equals really. I sampled the Avant Gourde, which was good. I had a few Kostritzers for the first time that day too, quite good.

Then I had Revolution's Grave Digger Billie. The waiter told me it was an imperial IPA, boy was I surprised when I got it. I thought it was absolutely terrible. There's a very few barrel aged beers I enjoy and generally I think it's simply a fad that needs to go away. This was just bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad. Even after having a super hoppy IPA to end the night when I woke up in the morning all I could taste was that fucking scotch. I want my beer to taste like beer and the bourbon/rye/scotch/etc to taste like their respective selves. This straight up just tasted like scotch, overwhelmingly so. I think I'll just stick to pale ales when it comes to Revolution, their Unsessionable is supposed to be top notch.
Tried Lagunitas Imperial Red today, was surprisingly good. 9/10. At least on tap it was up there with some of the best reds I've had. I think my top 5 styles of beer are:

1) Reds

I tried a Anderson Valley's Boont Amber Ale a few days ago and absolutely loved it. I'm definitely gonna be getting some of that Lagunitas Imperial Red. What are some other good Ambers and Reds?
I tried a Anderson Valley's Boont Amber Ale a few days ago and absolutely loved it. I'm definitely gonna be getting some of that Lagunitas Imperial Red. What are some other good Ambers and Reds?

I like California style reds:

Ritual Extra Red
Red Nectar
Invasion Imperial Red - Black Market Brewing Co.
Mermaid's Red - Coronado Brewing Co.
Red Seal Ale
Red Rocket Ale

All made in Cali and all good. Ritual and Lagunitas are possibly my favorites. Red Nectar is up there.

Ommegang - Fire and Blood is tasty.
120 min is the best of the three, but I actually prefer 75 min if you can find it. Perfect blend of 60 and 90 with maple syrup added.
Bought a four back of Founders Breakfast Stout and just tried one, extremely delicious. It's very balanced and each unique flavor from the chocolate to the coffee is very distinguishable and well represented. I bought a whole bunch of other new shit to try too.
I gave the SN Celebration a poor rating tonight. I prefer herbal/spiced/malty beers to cascade bombs like SN Celebration for Christmas. Maybe it makes sense for them to them to do a piney, bitter beer for winter for California, but it doesn't work for me.