
I don't know about top of the line, but Sierra Nevada's Tumbler is fucking awesome. Dogfish Head also makes some really good brown ales from what i've hear.

Palo Santo Marron and Indian brown ale from DFH are both solid (the former being very strong, especially for a brown ale; the latter being almost a brown IPA, hence the "indian"). Rogue's Hazelnut brown is tasty as well.
Bought a six pack of Du Claw's Sweet Baby Jesus Porter and some Dogfish Head Brown Ale. Both are some of the best beers I've had so far if not the best. Sweet Baby Jesus tastes like a liquid candy bar almost. It's a peanut butter and chocolate porter which I highly recommend to anyone who would be interested in that flavor combo.

I'm may not know much about beer but Dogfish Brown Ale blows that Newcastle Brown Ale straight out of the fucking water. What a difference. I mean wow. I recommend it to anyone.
Just opened my first ever bottle of Firestone Walker's PIVO, a somewhat hoppy German pilsner. Got the nice clean malt flavor down with a little bit of a "neue schule" hoppy note from the Saphir hops. Not bad, but it's not as good as several other American-made pilsners, most notably Peak Organic's Fresh Cut.

Fukk this is good. Saw the ridiculous rating Great Lakes brewing co has. Realized im within two hours of it and has access to a lot of their wares.
Tried Lagunitas Imperial Red today, was surprisingly good. 9/10. At least on tap it was up there with some of the best reds I've had. I think my top 5 styles of beer are:

1) Reds
2) IPA
3) German Weissbier/Hefeweizen
4) Doppelbock
5) Browns

Beers I don't typically like: Stouts/Porters, Belgians, Fruit/sweet beers.
I picked up a bottle of Avery Brewing's 'Rumpkin'. It was like 15 bucks for a single 12oz bottle, but I heard I needed to try it. Aged in rum barrels and it runs at an ABV of around 17%. I'm thinking of waiting till Halloween to give it a go. Will likely need to share it haha.
I think that was me who was raving about it. So fucking good. I also picked up a bottle of Pump[KY]n which is the bourbon barrel version of it. Haven't tried it yet though
Bought a six pack of Du Claw's Sweet Baby Jesus Porter and some Dogfish Head Brown Ale. Both are some of the best beers I've had so far if not the best. Sweet Baby Jesus tastes like a liquid candy bar almost. It's a peanut butter and chocolate porter which I highly recommend to anyone who would be interested in that flavor combo.

This sounds so damn good. :OMG:
@unknown- Yeah that's right. Can't wait to give it a go. I saw the other version of it but I figured I'd try Rumpkin first and go from there. Let me know how it is once you've had it dude.
I acquired some New Glarus beers tonight. They make some nice beers, but are heavily overrated due to availability bias. The Belgian-style fruit beers are very nice, but very low abv. No one would like to drink an entire 750 of 3.5% tart strawberry rhubarb beer. It's good for about 4 ounces, but then it's time for some heft. It's what you pour for mom at Thanksgiving while you hit the harvest ales.

Spotted Cow is tough to defend. I imagine scarcity and homerism are the only things inflating the rating. If the competition is High Life or PBR, sure, it wins, but it's not better than tons of craft beer. Wisconsinites need to climb off the high horse when it comes to this one.
I actually agree with your assessment of Spotted Cow. It's refreshing, but the last NG beer I'd reach for if I had a choice. The Belgian Red and Serendipity are certainly special occasion beers. They'd make a good substitute for dessert wine, for sure. But as you imply, the bare fact that I have to drive all the way to WI to get a haul of this stuff makes it psychologically better beer.

That said, the Moon Man is still my favorite Pale Ale, and their recent Octoberfest is fantastic. It's been a while since I've made a border raid to check out any other new offerings, though.
Shiner Holiday Cheer is the best beer from the brewery. It's a supposed dunkelweiss with peaches and pecans. I find the dunkelweiss character lacking, but the peach and pecan are present, and this is a very tasty winter seasonal that is not just a morass of spices.
Happy Halloween all. Gotta say, I'm drinking Rumpkin right now and I fucking hate it. It tastes like diabetes in a glass. But it does fuck you up quickly at least. Ah well.
It snowed here today, so I have moved past the pumpkin and on to the winter stuff. I had a Dogfish Head Indian Brown, Bell's Kalamazoo Stout, Firestone Walker Velvet Merlin, and some Great Lakes Christmas Ales.