
Double post:

Anyone know any good microbreweries in SF or San Jose? (Cant really go any furhter north than SF, Id love to hit Russian River :()

Gonna be up there this weekend.
Cellarmaker is an absolute must. Everything they make is fucking GOLD. The only problem is there are zero food options, so that's a bummer. City Beer Store is a bottleshop/taproom within walking distance and worth checking out as well

Rare Barrel in the East Bay is great if you want sours. If not, they usually have a rockin guest taplist

Drake's is good too...nothing mindblowing though. Also in the East Bay

Faction in Alameda is also worth checking out if you're into IPAs

Bar wise: Toronado (cash only), Monk's Kettle, and Mikkeller Bar

Russian River is about an hour to hour and a half outside of the city. It's a really nice drive and totally worth. Food is great and the beers are world class.
Cellarmaker is an absolute must. Everything they make is fucking GOLD. The only problem is there are zero food options, so that's a bummer. City Beer Store is a bottleshop/taproom within walking distance and worth checking out as well

Rare Barrel in the East Bay is great if you want sours. If not, they usually have a rockin guest taplist

Drake's is good too...nothing mindblowing though. Also in the East Bay

Faction in Alameda is also worth checking out if you're into IPAs

Bar wise: Toronado (cash only), Monk's Kettle, and Mikkeller Bar

Russian River is about an hour to hour and a half outside of the city. It's a really nice drive and totally worth. Food is great and the beers are world class.

Ill check these out man, thanks.

Yeah me and a few friends are staying with a buddy in San Joseon Friday, then were hittin SF on Saturday. He doesnt wanna go past SF just for times sake which makes Russian River not an option...So Ill see which of these is a reasonable driving distance for us.

Faction seems like the most up our alley because were all Hopheads.
Man i still need to get my ass either up north or down to San Diego and hit some bomb ass breweries.

from yesterday ...

Lemme know if you do. I'm just 15 minutes away from Beachwood.

Grabbed a sixer of Sierra Nevada Hop Hunter. It's pretty good. Not overly intense but super drinkable. Delicious

Your recommendation on Cellarmaker was spot on bro. Place was awesome, thanks for the rec. Blasted Sabbath and Uncle Acid the whole time I was there sippin some dank beers. A hot bartender was responsible for the sweet jams I was rockin out to, and we got a long very very well. If only I was in SF for longer...They were out of their DIPA, which I was a little sad about because Im sure it was fucking incredible, but had their Tiny Dankster Pale Ale, twice actually, and tasters of everything else. Tiny Dankster was the only one that I felt I had to get full pints of. Still badass nonetheless.

Lots of great beer in San Fran. I know a lot of people think its over hyped, but I shit myself when I was able to get Pliny The Elder at a bar there.
So I'm thinking about making my own beer from the concentrate first, then perhaps moving on to some more thorough way after I gain some confidence.

Anyone's done that shit?

EDIT: Sorry if I missed it earlier in this thread, I don't check it too much.
Onder, extract brewing (brewing from concentrate) is super easy. You boil water, add in the extract, stir, boil, add hops, boil, cool it down, pitch yeast and wait two weeks. Super easy. And for certain styles, it's a lot more affordable. All grain brewing is a lot more involved and complex. It also involves more equipment unfortunately. The alternative is doing what's called Brew in a bag, which uses the same equipment as extract brewing but uses grain.

You can get all your shit online. I can brew a batch of beer for like $30, and that'll typically yield me about two cases. Andy also brews and I think AlienZombie does as well

Cody: Glad you dug it! :kickass: Cellarmaker has become one of my favorites. I fucking love them
If I had a man cave I'd totally brew my own stuff. Pretty sure regular pale ale is now my favorite type of beer. Brand wise, Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale. I used to be a total heff guy, but now anything other than an ale tastes too sweet. It's like being accustomed to black coffee. Can't really drink the foo foo stuff anymore. I can, but it's just not satisfying.
as long as you have a big pot, a carboy (for fermenting), and a room that stays at about 68-72F, then you're good to go (an understanding significant other helps too)
It's a glass (sometimes) plastic container used to ferment beer for homebrewing


I prefer plastic "painter's bucket" style fermenters because they're easier to clean and have more headspace