
That means it's hot/ he's tasting too much(depends on the drinker) alcohol from the brew.

@Neph: Nice man, two great brews! :kickass: enjoy!

I'm one of the few people who thinks most beer tastes better out of the bottle than on tap ... or at least when it's fresh.
for me it depends on the beer/brewery. Lost Abbey is a perfect example of this. Some of their beers taste fantastic on tap, but others are better out of the bottle. And yeah, boozy means "hot", though I like certain beers boozy. A bourbon imperial stout that's super boozy is my jam.

Went to one of my favorite breweries today, Phantom Carriage in Carson. It's all sour and farmhouse ales. I know one of the co-owners, and he's a super cool guy. Brewery is old school horror themed with old horror movies and heavy metal playing. Love it.
^that sounds like my perfect ideal brewery dude.
The 120 minute tasted boozy and was on the sweet side, kind of not tasting much like a beer anymore. But I do agree some brews are good hot.
I cold have sworn i posted this an hour or two ago ....

That IPA is gorgeous.
Tasted just as good as it looked! :kickass:

Been a little low on cash so i've been drinking on one of my go-to cheap beers(the premium ale)


A few from last week ...



... solid, but no where near as good as the Emerald Triangle IPA.
I really hate the session IPA trend. For one, these beers should be markedly cheaper than other beers due to the reduced ingredients required. They never seem to be. Why would I pay just as much for a 4.5% ale as a 6 or 7% one?

Also, there are too many brewers billing 5%+ beers as session beers. Anything over 5% is just a regular beer.

Lastly, there's rarely a distinction between a session IPA and a pale ale. It's bogus marketing. If it's sub-5% and hoppy, then I feel pretty comfortable calling it a pale ale.
I'm not a big fan of having to choke down 4 IPAs quickly to get a buzz from it. Not a fan of the session IPAs at all.
Well yea, they're specifically brewed to have lower alcohol content so it wont give you a buzz. They are mainly daytime beers that wont fuck with your schedule if you knock down a few. It's not a style of beer for people who are looking to get fucked up asap.
I can dig a good SIPA at the start of a IPA binge.

Something to get me warmed up and my pallet ready because seriously my pallet is so fucking adjusted to MASSIVE HOPS that these SIPAs, and most IPAs in general feel like PBR to me.

I wish some of you fuckers were out this way. Theres aplace right by my work that makes the hoppiest, most delicious DIPA Ive had. Its hte main beer I drink 90% of the week.
I like a good low abv beer when I'm having lunch so I don't get buzzed or anything when I go to work. Admittedly, the "session" moniker does seem like a marketing ploy but whatever. If the beer is good, I'll pay for it as long as the price is reasonable. First everyone was racing to have the heaviest beer, then the hoppiest, then the most barrel aged, now it's the lowest abv.

Speaking of...had Anchorage's A Deal with the Devil today. 17.3%abv american barleywine aged in cognac barrels. Talk about a sipper! It was a good one though. Not too hot, but the cognac did come through a bit. Then I grabbed a Fortunate Islands on tap. All was good
So i tried an Oculto today and it borderline tastes like poison. Cant say i recommend it.

Edit: already drunk and seriously gagging on this. Disgusting.