
It's nearly impossible to get any Gose around here. No czech brewery has ever made one. Lucky there's Anderson Valley distributed around. Only other gose I had was from some German brewery in a beer bar.


The third highest-rated czech beer on Untappd, an IPA by Matuška, with two hop varieties - Apollo and Galaxy. It's fresh. I prefer their stronger beers overall though.


A brown lager from the same brewery. It was okay but not as special as their other beers.


A random czech IPA, from Teplice I think.


Gulden Draak!! Awesome Belgian ale, strong as fuck, spicy as fuck, great.



Trappist shizzle.


One of my favorite breweries - De Molen from the Netherlands. This is their single hop Imp IPA.


English craft brewery Moor and their showcase of modern English hops. Was aggressively bitter. I liked it. The other one was my girlfriend's, it was their showcase of hops from the southern hemisphere, and it was lighter.


Some American beers, thank you Amruca. The Liberty Ale was solid but the IPAs are where it's really at. I can't get enough of how they smell. The sweet fruity smell. Czech IPAs can be citrusy or grassy, they can be perfectly balanced, but none smell so sweet-fruity as the US IPAs I've yet had. I will definitely continue exploring US beers, at least those that I can buy here.









Some American beers, thank you Amruca. The Liberty Ale was solid but the IPAs are where it's really at. I can't get enough of how they smell. The sweet fruity smell. Czech IPAs can be citrusy or grassy, they can be perfectly balanced, but none smell so sweet-fruity as the US IPAs I've yet had. I will definitely continue exploring US beers, at least those that I can buy here.

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Anchors barley wine years back got me all fucked up.
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I was trying out the Chouffe but it was just okay I thought. Solid Belgian beer though.


I prefer the mighty Gulden Draak. This is the quadrupel version. Strong as fuck. Very full bodied and spicy.


Another Flying Dog beer. Easy IPA was very drinkable. No mistakes.



Brouwerij 'T Ij IPA and it fucking rules. And it only contains Cascade and Citra. It's just so well balanced and yes quite strong. Probably the best IPA from Netherlands that I've had so far. The double Amarillo De Molen IPA rules too though.


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Here are other Hollandaise IPAs that I had today for comparison. This is the De Prael one. It was okayish, 6.5%, had the slightly sweet fruity smell and overall it was pretty nice but nothing special.


Interestingly the High Hops 6 IPA from another NED brewery Maximus was almost the same. It was really hard to find differences and sometimes the IPA trend can do this and it makes you think. Yes it was good, but why not just have the 'T IJ IPA instead of this or the previous one.


I did another Anchor beer and it easily won today's competition. It's their double IPA and another one that the Amrucans did right.



I also did a Flying dog Imperial Porter and it was very satisfying.



Achel was one of the weaker trappists so far I thought. I still need to do Zundert and Orval, and eventually Westvleteren. :)

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@Onder I'm really interested in which American beers make it over to you there. (Also what they cost vs. Euro imports.) I would not have guessed Anderson Valley ends up in your part of the world, for example. Anchor is huge and everywhere here. They are well-respected, but seen as a bit of an old, less-innovative brand. I do think their Double Liberty IPA was a fine beer. Flying Dog is seen as an average/below-average brewery with a lot of money behind them. But they still make some decent stuff, with that Gonzo porter striking me as quite good. I think their hoppy beers are far below a lot of the local/regional competition here.

Urquell definitely has made the transition here from 330 ml bottle six packs to 500 ml four packs of cans. It's a smart move to stop the skunky reputation they had.
@Onder I'm really interested in which American beers make it over to you there. (Also what they cost vs. Euro imports.) I would not have guessed Anderson Valley ends up in your part of the world, for example. Anchor is huge and everywhere here. They are well-respected, but seen as a bit of an old, less-innovative brand. I do think their Double Liberty IPA was a fine beer. Flying Dog is seen as an average/below-average brewery with a lot of money behind them. But they still make some decent stuff, with that Gonzo porter striking me as quite good. I think their hoppy beers are far below a lot of the local/regional competition here.

Urquell definitely has made the transition here from 330 ml bottle six packs to 500 ml four packs of cans. It's a smart move to stop the skunky reputation they had.

Well first off, Sierra Nevada has four beers available here. Torpedo, Pale Ale, Porter and Stout. I recently noticed a rare Hop Hunter but I haven't bought it yet.

Anchor has like 7 beers available in a couple shops. Anderson Valley has also several actually. Coronado has some in some of the more hip shops but they are more expensive. Rogue has about 4 or 5 different beers somewhere around the shops I frequent. Flying Dog is quite nicely available and I really liked even their IPAs so I'm not sure where the criticism is coming from in the US. Even czech beer reviewers rate them very high. I've seen some other US brews but it was like catching a glance of a rare pokémon. Such as Prairie Artisan Ales (very expensive),

Some of other US breweries that I haven't checked out yet and I could: Alameda, Caldera, Double Mountain, Gigantic, Heretic, Kalr Strauss, Southern Oregon.

Keep in mind that those have stupid price tags so I'm like oki those aren't my priority.