

@Slayed Necros

You can probably buy this since it's from New Zealand!

It's a lovely black IPA with 100% brett fermentation that imparts a light funk and a very interesting bitterness that's reminiscent of tobacco. Very cool.
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It's one of the best Founders releases if you ask me. Great Sumatra coffee flavor in a tasty brown ale. Just the right amount of warmth from the alcohol. It doesn't drink like a 9% ABV beer.

They've apparently teased people with a BA version in their brewery taproom for a while. I would love for that to come out in bottles too.
Chillin at home after work. Gonna do it Omni style

not bad stuff, prob the wrong glass huh :erk:

Three Philosophers is a classic. Love it.

Thread was getting a bit dry, so I thought I'd put some spit on it. My bachelor party is coming up in less than a month. Here's a list of the bottles I'll be bringing and sharing with 8 of my best guy friends in the woods as we listen to heavy metal and watch sci fi and western movies for a whole weekend:

Alesmith Barrel Aged Vietnamese Speedway Stout
Beachwood System of a Stout
Big Sky BA Ivan the Terrible 2012
Cantillon Fou Foune
Cantillon Iris
Casey Oak Theory
Casey Saison
Cigar City Hunahpu's
De Garde Saison Melange
De Garde Saison Melange No.2
De Garde Saison Melange No. 3
Firestone Walker Parabola Batch 2
Hill Farmstead Arthur
Hill Farmstead Brother Soigne
Hill Farmstead Flora BBR
Jester King Atrial Rubicite
Jester King Aurelian Lure
Jester King Black Metal
Jester King Nocturn Chrysalis
Lost Abbey Veritas 15
Modern Times Palace of Paper Sacks
Modern Times School of Certain Victory
Modern Times Symmetric Orchestra (3L bottle!)
Modern Times Valley of Sound
Monkish Fruit Cart
Monkish Juteux
OEC Oudilis
Russian River Beatification
Sante Adairius Rustic Ales Cellarman
Sante Adairius Rustic Ales Nonna's Blend #8
Sante Adairius Rustic Ales West Ashley
Side Project Saison du Ble
The Bruery Black Tuesday
The Bruery Chocolate Rain
The Bruery Filmishmish
The Bruery Grey Monday
The Bruery Mocha Wednesday
Toolbox A Handful of Peter
Upright Fantasia
Upright Special Herbs
Thread was getting a bit dry, so I thought I'd put some spit on it. My bachelor party is coming up in less than a month. Here's a list of the bottles I'll be bringing and sharing with 8 of my best guy friends in the woods as we listen to heavy metal and watch sci fi and western movies for a whole weekend:

That is one hell of a lineup, damn man.
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Thanks! It's pretty much all of my favorite breweries and most of their best beers (the exceptions being De Garde and Casey...they both make too many good beers)
So I had some US beers yesterday. I got a Sierra Nevada Stout and a Base Camp Gnar Gnar IPA. They were both awesome and kinda showed me that the US is probably a little ahead in terms of craft beers. I've had more than 30 Czech IPAs during last three months but honestly none of them smelled like the Base Camp can. This makes me feel weird and I need to investigate if this is a general thing or if I bought a random weird-smelling IPA. I think that many czech IPAs are very well balanced and so on, but none so specific in the smell. And the SN Stout was probably the best stout I've tasted. The smell punches you in the face and the taste is so well defined, unlike some of the stouts I've had from here.

The setback is that US beers are really expensive to get here and the selection is not very good. I can probably try 3-4 more Sierra Nevadas, some Anchors, etc, but really only the tip of the iceberg. I kinda thought that they were overpriced because of the distance and importing costs but the two I've had were really good so let's see what tomorrow brings.

Also, I kinda started enjoying getting the Untappd badges. Like, I got some random one yesterday and I looked up one more and apparently I need to drink three dutch beers to get it. No problem. Who's up for that with me? I was thinking Emelisse, I like their labels.
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Well. This looks like a satisfactory selection of NL beers. This shop is the proper shizzle. I think I need more money.

Bierderie - Sprout 2.0 0.33 L 119,- Kč
Brouwerij´ T Ij - Columbus 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Brouwerij´ T Ij - Flink 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Brouwerij´ T Ij - IPA 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Brouwerij´ T Ij - Natte 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Brouwerij´ T Ij - Struis 0.33 L 89,- Kč
Brouwerij´ T Ij - Vlo 0.33 L 79,- Kč
Brouwerij´ T Ij - Wit 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Brouwerij´ T Ij - Zatte 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen - Amarillo 0.33 L 105,- Kč
De Molen - Amerikaans 0.33 L 75,- Kč
De Molen - Angst & Beven 0.33 L 169,- Kč
De Molen - Bitch Black Saison 0.75 L 299,- Kč
De Molen - Black IPA 0.33 L 109,- Kč
De Molen - Bloed, Zweet & Tranen 0.33 L 105,- Kč
De Molen - Bommen & Granaten 0.33 L 159,- Kč
De Molen - Braggot Brett 0.33 L 199,- Kč
De Molen - Dag & Nacht B.A. 0.33 L 199,- Kč
De Molen - Dol & Dwaas 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen - Donder & Bliksen 0.33 L 69,- Kč
De Molen - Feuer & Wasser 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Molen - Geboren & Getogen 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen - Groot & Sterk 0.33 L 165,- Kč
De Molen - Hamer & Sikkel 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen - Heaven & Hell 0.33 L 149,- Kč
De Molen - Heen & Weer 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Molen - Heen & Weer 0.75 L 199,- Kč
De Molen - Hel & Verdoemenis 0.33 L 149,- Kč
De Molen - Hel & Verdoemenis 0.75 L 329,- Kč
De Molen - Hemel & Aarde 0.33 L 149,- Kč
De Molen - Hemel & Aarde Bourbon B.A. 0.33 L 199,- Kč
De Molen - Jaar & Dag 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Molen - Jaco & Sigrid 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen - Kopi Loewak 0.33 L 169,- Kč
De Molen - Lentebok 0.33 L 69,- Kč
De Molen - Lentehop 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen - Lief & Leed 0.33 L 149,- Kč
De Molen - Lief & Leed 0.75 L 259,- Kč
De Molen - Molenbier 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen - Mooi & Meeddogenloos 0.33 L 99,- Kč
De Molen - Moord & Brand Bourbon B.A. 0.33 L 199,- Kč
De Molen - Mout & Mocca 0.33 L 129,- Kč
De Molen - Nood & Deugd 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Molen - Op & Top 0.33 L 69,- Kč
De Molen - Op & Top 0.75 L 179,- Kč
De Molen - Pale Ale Citra 0.33 L 69,- Kč
De Molen - Pale Ale Simcoe 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen - Pijl & Boog 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Molen - Pilz 0.33 L 69,- Kč
De Molen - Rasputin 0.33 L 149,- Kč
De Molen - Rasputin Bourbon B.A. 0.33 L 199,- Kč
De Molen - Rook & Vuur 0.33 L 105,- Kč
De Molen - Single Hop Galena 0.33 L 69,- Kč
De Molen - Spanning & Sensatie 0.33 L 149,- Kč
De Molen - Storm & Averij 0.33 L 99,- Kč
De Molen - Storm & Regen 0.33 L 109,- Kč
De Molen - Summer Porter 0.33 L 69,- Kč
De Molen - Tsarina Esra 0.33 L 149,- Kč
De Molen - Vuur & Vlam 0.33 L 85,- Kč
De Molen - Wal & Schip B.A. 0.33 L 199,- Kč
De Molen - White Witch 0.33 L 85,- Kč
De Molen - Winterhop 0.33 L 85,- Kč
De Molen - Zwaaien & Zwieren B.A. 0.75 L 499,- Kč
De Molen - Zwart & Wit 0.33 L 75,- Kč
De Molen Hop & Liefde 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Molen Knippen & Scheren 0.33 L 119,- Kč
De Prael - Bitterblonde 0.33 L 85,- Kč
De Prael - I.P.A. 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Prael - L.I.P.A. 0.33 L 99,- Kč
De Prael - Willeke 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Prael - Barley Wine 0.33 L 85,- Kč
De Prael - Doe Maar (scotch ale) 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Prael - Johnny (kölsch) 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Prael - Kölsch 0.33 L 79,- Kč
De Prael - Mary (barley wine) 0.33 L 99,- Kč
De Prael - Pale Ale 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Prael - Tante Leen 0.33 L 89,- Kč
De Prael - Weizen 0.33 L 85,- Kč
De Prael - Willeke (tripel) 0.33 L 99,- Kč
De Prael - Willy (quadrupel) 0.33 L 99,- Kč
De Prael - Zwarte Riek (milkstout) 0.33 L 89,- Kč
Emelisse - 2.5 0.33 L 99,- Kč
Emelisse - American Pale Ale 0.33 L 99,- Kč
Emelisse - DIPA 0.33 L 109,- Kč
Emelisse - Earl Grey IPA 0.33 L 109,- Kč
Emelisse - Espresso Stout 0.33 L 119,- Kč
Emelisse - Red IPA 0.33 L 99,- KčEmelisse - Russian Imperial Stout 0.33 L 119,- Kč
Emelisse - Saison 0.33 L 109,- Kč
Emelisse - Blonde 0.33 L 99,- Kč
Emelisse - Dubbel 0.33 L 99,- Kč
Emelisse - Porter 0.33 L 109,- Kč
Emelisse - Smoked Rye IPA 0.33 L 109,- Kč
Emelisse TIPA 0.33 L 145,- Kč
Jopen - Adrian Wit 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Jopen - Extra Stout 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Jopen - Hoppenbier 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Jopen - Malle Babbe 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Kaapse - Carrie (strong IPA) 0.33 L 89,- Kč
Kaapse - Bea (black rye IPA) 0.33 L 89,- Kč
Kaapse - Gozer (oatmeal stout) 0.33 L 119,- Kč
Kaapse - Gozer Oak Aged (oatmeal stout) 0.33 L 179,- Kč
Kaapse - Harrie (saison) 0.33 L 69,- Kč
Kaapse - Jaapie (imperial red ale) 0.33 L 105,- Kč
Kaapse - Karel (american bitter) 0.33 L 69,- Kč
Kees - Another IPA 0.33 L 109,- Kč
Kees - Double Rye IPA 0.33 L 119,- Kč
Kees - Farmhouse IPA 0.33 L 109,- Kč
Kees - Pale Ale Citra 0.33 L 109,- Kč
Kompaan - Bloedbroeder 0.33 L 89,- Kč
Kompaan - Bond Genoot 0.33 L 89,- Kč
Kompaan - Nr. 58 (double IPA) 0.33 L 89,- Kč
Kompaan - Vrij Buiter 0.33 L 89,- Kč
La Trappe - Isid´Or 0.33 L 75,- Kč
La Trappe - Isid´Or 0.33 L 85,- Kč
La Trappe - Puur 0.33 L 85,- Kč
La Trappe - Tripel 0.75 L 215,- Kč
La Trappe - Witte Trappist 0.75 L 159,- Kč
Maximus - Brutus 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Maximus - Highhops 6 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Maximus - Pandora 0.33 L 75,- Kč
Maximus - Saison 5 0.33 L 75,- Kč
Maximus - Stout 6 0.33 L 75,- Kč
Maximus - Stout 8 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Rooie Dop - 24/7 Session Ale 0.33 L 69,- Kč
Rooie Dop - Chica American IPA 0.33 L 85,- Kč
Rooie Dop - Double Oatmeal Stout 0.33 L 139,- Kč
Rooie Dop - Final Countdown Winter Saison 0.33 L 75,- Kč
Rooie Dop - Ot The Explorer Double IPA 0.33 L 119,- Kč
Rooie Dop - The Daily Grind 0.33 L 105,- Kč
Rooie Dop - Tupiniquim 0.33 L 139,- Kč
Rooie Dop - Utrecht Strong Ale 0.33 L 139,- Kč
Zundert Trappist 0.33 L 95,- Kč