
yeah, the amber bock isnt bad, for a macro brew. its what i drink when we play the union station. free drink tickets only work for drafts and wells :(
Has anyone tried the new Budweiser American Ale? Not a big Bud drinker, but I'm definitely willing to try any new Ale. Didn't know if its like the original Bud with a slight twist to it...or a completely different style beer?

So, anyone tried this yet? For some odd reason, I am curious. Must be akin to me being curious about the new Metallica album. I must be getting old and senile.

Tonight I picked up one bomber of Avery - Maharaja IIPA, a 4-pack of Unibroue - Trois Pistoles and a 4-pack of North Coast - Old Stock Ale.

Drank the Maharaja tonight. It's a good IIPA with an abv of 10.2%, but I am not sure it's worth the $8. I think for $5 I prefer Moylans Hopsickle. $3 less, a better flavor, and only 1% less abv...
My friend was telling me about the new American Ale the other day, but I don't think I remember him saying it was made by Budweiser. I will have to check that out.
last night i had the Chimay Trappist. wasnt as good as i hoped. mild flavor that is dominated by malt. for the money, i could get something better
I have zero friends who are willing to join me in being a beer connoisseur (which I'm striving to become). To be honest, none of them really give a shit about good beer, just what is the cheapest and gets you blitzed the fastest. Which is ok I guess, but not for me. If I'm going to drink something, I want it to be good. So, just post about beer you've had that you thought was good and want to recommend to people. I'll definitely be interested in hearing what people say.

Nice to see there are other who think like me. My friends like to buy cheap shit get drunk quick. They love buying 211 and cobras the most, fucken hate that shit. I drink for the taste, however still not experienced enough on really good beers. I had one called Aries(if its spelled right). Its from Greece, it got a lot of bad reviews, I personally didn't think it was that bad, but not great either. This is a perfect thread for me. Has anyone tasted CAB?
I miss my local beer store in SC, they had about 50 different beers in 6 packs and another 30 or so $5+ single bottles. Currently in Germany and hey have some good beer but it is all the same for the most part, better than the US shit but getting bored quickly. They have alot of restrictions on imports and such so I have not had the good european beers I was buying in the states, kind of ironic huh. Need to get in on the next Belgium beer run!

Hobgoblin is still one of my favorites.
I had a quart of Rogue XXX & a 6-er of Landshark last night... The Rogue was fucking killer. I really enjoyed that beer. Best new beer I've had in a long time. I believe last night was my first time having Landshark too, but I'm not sure... It was pretty damn good, although it had a much heavier consistency than I thought it would have.
I miss my local beer store in SC, they had about 50 different beers in 6 packs and another 30 or so $5+ single bottles. Currently in Germany and hey have some good beer but it is all the same for the most part, better than the US shit but getting bored quickly. They have alot of restrictions on imports and such so I have not had the good european beers I was buying in the states, kind of ironic huh. Need to get in on the next Belgium beer run!

Hobgoblin is still one of my favorites.

Hobgoblin is good but do yourself a favor and the Park Pirmanator beer.
Went to the Map Room yesterday.
Had the following:

Capital Autumnal Fire Doppelbock (tap)
Three Floyds Alpha King Pale Ale (on the beer engine)
Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Urbock (bottle)
Charles Wells Bombardier Bitter (tap)
Beamish Irish Stout (tap)

The Urbock tasted like smoked bacon. I wish I had it with breakfast food.
having the Black Butte XX tonight. ZOMG! soooo good! i need moar...

i mean... its rich and flavorful with a strong chocolate and coffee flavor. i must purchase more of this
Went to the Map Room yesterday.
Had the following:

Capital Autumnal Fire Doppelbock (tap)
Three Floyds Alpha King Pale Ale (on the beer engine)
Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Urbock (bottle)
Charles Wells Bombardier Bitter (tap)
Beamish Irish Stout (tap)

The Urbock tasted like smoked bacon. I wish I had it with breakfast food.

I have heard Three Floyds has some killer beers. How was that pale?