
When I went to a local liquor store today they had 4-5 different kinds of Allagash. I bought a 750ml bottle of their Tripel Reserve and will probably drink that tomorrow night. They had a few bottles of the quad Allagash and a few others, but instead I bought a bottle of Trappistes Rochefort 10.

that tripel reserve is that the same as steel reserve the malt shit
that tripel reserve is that the same as steel reserve the malt shit
GTFO, unless you're joking.

Those Polish beers are okay. Chicago has more Polish people than anyplace in the world except Warsaw, so I have had my share of their beers. The only ones that I would strongly recommend to beer drinkers is Okocim Porter. That rules. Zywiec Porter is pretty good too. Some of the lagers aren't too bad. Warka is a nice marzen style beer. I would rank O.K. Beer (Okocim)>Zywiec>Tyskie. Those are the most common. Mocne beers are only good for getting messed up on. Mocne means "malt" I believe, so you're getting a high alcohol brew that will probably mess you up. These are okay for the price, but I get bad headaches off them.

I'm having some Anchor Liberty Ale. It's past it's prime though. I wish I could get fresh Anchor more easily. Can't wait for the Old Foghorn and Our Special Ale to come out.
spent a ton on bombers today. i decided it was time to try the best my local liquor store had to offer.

left to right:
Black Butte XX
Avery Salvation
Chimay Premiere
Trois Pistoles
Grand Teton XX Au Natural


that was the first one i tried. its great. kinda fruity, but warm with subtle malts. i like it. worth the 7 bucks.
Trois Pistoles is a great beer for the price and how easy to find it is. The Black Butte XX is apparently a rare and highly sought after beer. If you were into beer trading, it's the kind of thing to load up on. Chimay Red reminds me of a Ricola. Very herbal and medicinal.

I picked up some DFH Punkin, and Flying Dog Horn Dog Barley Wine. Probably going to sip on a barleywine for a bit.
I have zero friends who are willing to join me in being a beer connoisseur (which I'm striving to become). To be honest, none of them really give a shit about good beer, just what is the cheapest and gets you blitzed the fastest.
it's called immaturity... as they get older and more mature mental wise such things may interest them but for now they only care about having fun and not being cultured... anyways with that said my favorite beers have always been Mexican and German beers...
it's called immaturity... as they get older and more mature mental wise such things may interest them but for now they only care about having fun and not being cultured
Very true. When I just turned 21, all i cared about was going out to the bars every night and pregaming on Busch light, Mickeys malt etc. Now i realize how much there is out there to offer in the world of fine beers.
Very true. When I just turned 21, all i cared about was going out to the bars every night and pregaming on Busch light, Mickeys malt etc. Now i realize how much there is out there to offer in the world of fine beers.
Me too when I was that age... I drank budweiser for years (what the hell was i thinking? lol) among other american beers till i got older and realized import beers are way better... :kickass:
Really though, American craft beers are just as good, when you factor in lower prices and more freshness. Beer is one of the few actual American products one can purchase these days.
American craft beers vs import beers is debatable though to me there is no challenge against imports... as for lower prices and such... that may not be for long... i do not know if they still mention it but there was talk of raising the taxes on beer much like they do on cigarettes... perhaps they forgot about it and thought best not do that because it would cause a Civil war lol
so last night I tried these japanese red and white rice beers...they weren't very good. they weren't terrible, but I'm definitely not buying them again
i had a great divide rice beer (samurai ale) and it was really different. it was bitter, but had a strange sweet aftertaste. i kept drinking it just so i could figure out whats going on
yeah so did I. I drank the whole thing but each time before I'd take a sip, I'd furrow my brow, take a sip, and think...I don't know. I don't want to think whenst drinking beer