
so I had a Paulaner Hefeweizen...

I wasn't impressed. and this is the second Paulaner beer that hasn't impressed me (the other being their Salvator Dopplebock). Last night's let down, though, could've been due to the two or three glasses of really good wine that I had.
Yeah, the Paulaner hefe is not near the top of the list for me. Weihenstephaner, Franziskaner, Ayinger, and some probably some others are better. Didn't think Salvator was that good either.

It's possible you got some old beers. Did you check for dates?
I did a beer tour of the world with a Singaporean beer called Tiger, a German beer called Warsteiner, a Danish beer called Tuborg Gold and a Pilsner Urqell. It was all pretty average but it was cheap and more interesting than just drinking Canadian.
I did a beer tour of the world with a Singaporean beer called Tiger, a German beer called Warsteiner, a Danish beer called Tuborg Gold and a Pilsner Urqell. It was all pretty average but it was cheap and more interesting than just drinking Canadian.

Tiger and Tuborg are pretty bland but I like stuff like that with food.
Pilsner Urquell is the best Czech pilsner (or lager for that matter) not average in anyway! Tuborg Gold is totally shit though and way below average.
I'm drinking Carlsberg atm. Someone left a crate of it here and I cba to go to the shop. It's fucking bottles too, only 275ml. I'm so ashamed. : <
so I had a Paulaner Hefeweizen...

I wasn't impressed. and this is the second Paulaner beer that hasn't impressed me (the other being their Salvator Dopplebock). Last night's let down, though, could've been due to the two or three glasses of really good wine that I had.

To be fair, Paulaner Salvator tasted way better served on tap and in closer proximity to its brewery (I had some in Munich). Perhaps the source of your disappointment had something to do with the import process.

Glad to see you appreciate Ayinger hefe. From my experience, it's one of the finest German hefes.
Imperial Stout is really good, probably my favorite type of beer after Trappist Ales. I had the Left Hand Brewing Company's Imperial Stout yesterday. Great imo, probably my favorite Imperial Stout after Slottskällans and the Yeti Oak Aged.
Had an Orval tonight, aged about a year and a half. Absolutely godly. Maybe the best beer I've ever had, bumping Goose Island's Bourbon County Stout from the top spot. I've gone on to a Founders Breakfast Stout now. A good beer, but overhyped and overpriced. With so many big stouts out there, you can do a little better than this, I think. I guess the Kentucky Breakfast Stout is really something though. It ranks either #5 or #6 in the BeerAdvocate top 100.
I've been sippin on Mississippi Mud for the past few days. Comes in a quart jug, black and tan beer, only $3 or $4...delicious
I've been sippin on Mississippi Mud for the past few days. Comes in a quart jug, black and tan beer, only $3 or $4...delicious

That's some great beer. There's this earthy coffee shop in my area that I've been to a couple of times & I've had it there. It's like $6 a quart, but that's in a restaurant.

I just started The Master Cleanse Diet yesterday, so no more drinking for me for awhile.
I am a huge hop head and love IPAs and IIPAs, but also a few other styles, but always the strong stuff. Flavor, baby! I typically will only have a bomber (22 oz bottle) or a couple of regular bottles of good beer at any given time, and I probably do this from 1-5 times a week.