
Dammit, I'm kinda on a quest to try lots of American craft beers. the big problem is that you can't get hold of a whole lot around here. I think I've tried pretty much everyone that our government owned monopoly alchohol shop carries. Now I pretty much need to go to pubs to get other ones, but that is expensive as fuck, and there aren't many pubs that carries any decent beer anyway. :p
Dammit, I'm kinda on a quest to try lots of American craft beers. the big problem is that you can't get hold of a whole lot around here. I think I've tried pretty much everyone that our government owned monopoly alchohol shop carries. Now I pretty much need to go to pubs to get other ones, but that is expensive as fuck, and there aren't many pubs that carries any decent beer anyway. :p
Do people over there (Europe in general) realize how much great beer is being made in the US? The list of things for me to try is in the hundreds. I have new amazing beers all of the time. I'm sure you could find traders for the rare ones that are hard to find in the US, especially Belgians, Germans, and even Finnish Sahti and Russian Kvass, believe it or not. has a list of styles, and people naturally want to review them all. Sahti and Kvass are among the hardest to come by. Maybe you can work this to your advantage.

Tonight I had a Souther Tier Oat (Imperial Oatmeal Stout). Another great beer from my favorite brewer. A really smooth, strong impy stout, on the sweeter side.
MasterOLightning: Lots of people here thinks of Budweiser and Samuel Adams when you say American beer. Though most people who are abit interested knows most of the time that the US is a great place for beer.

Maybe I should start trading some, I think I can get hold of a pretty good selection of Belgian beers atleast. How is the demand on Swedish stuff? x) Probably pretty low but we actually got quite alot of microbrewers that make great beers imo. :)
The best American beer I've had is probably Oaked Arrogant Bastard. That one was awsome. The Left Hand beers I've had has beeen great too.

Mattsson: Those Swedish beers are totally run of the mill cheap lager that tastes like shit. ;-) Try some of the actually great breweries we have here!
I like Busch a lot despite how much shit is generally talked about it.

I prefer beer to just about any other alcoholic drink. I personally like to know how fucked up I'm going to get.
Feel free to recommend some, i dont know shit about beer really, but i like them at least, dont think the price always tells about the quality.
Depends on what you like, but some of my favorites are:

Slottskällans Imperial Stout
Slottskällans Kloster
Slottskällans Pale Ale
Nynäshamns Landsort Lager
Nynäshamns Bedarö Bitter
Wisby Kloster
Jämtlands Hell
Jämtlands Pilgrim
Jämtlands Postiljon
Nils Oscars God Lager
Nils Oscars India Ale

There are ofcourse lots more, but I can't recommend everything. Generally those breweries are good fairly easy to obtain starting points for actually good Swedish beer. :)
The few American beers, like Brooklyn lager, i've had have all been pretty decent if i may say so, there seems to be a lot more than Bud over there that people here don't know about.

There's a shit ton more than Bud. Budweiser is college party beer, not actually good beer.

America has lots of good breweries: Sam Adams, Yuengling, Great Lakes, Lost Coast, North Coast, Flying Dog, ... those are some of my favorites.

I'm a fan of dark beer.
Nogne O and Mikkeller are in demand here, especially the imperial stouts.
I'm in the process to try out Nogne Ø myself next time I make an order. The Mikkeller Black Hole is totally megaexpensive though so I've haven't tried it yet either. Should get my ass off and check it out soon enough I guess.
Picked up a case of Berghoff's Solstice Whit Beer last night (the price was too good to pass up at 12 bucks per case)and im enjoying them. The liquor store i bought them from must have been clearing out their Summer brews. Tastes very similar to Hoegaarden.
Sapporo Premium Japanese Lager
Guiness Extra Stout
Beck's Lager
Budweiser Select
Miller Genuine Draft

These are the Beers I usually drink. Also, I prefer Lager to Ale.
drinking Sierra Nevada's 12th Anniversary Wet Hop Ale release. very good stuff. I'm not exactly a hopman like Ack, but this is good stuff. especially for Sierra Nevada...very accessible