
i had the breckenridge thunder stout over the weekend, which is an oatmeal stout. its very good, better this time around since it was from the tap at the brewery.

on a sadder note, i reeeaaalllyy gotta cut back on the intake. im getting fat
I had a couple bottles of Sapporo last night. It's okay, drinks like soda. There's not a whole lot to it, but it's tasty enough to drink again. It'll be good for when I want something simple.
This thread is epic enough for a theme tune.

I propose:

Nice and simple but I love it.

Also, what is a tape test?

I dont know how the Air Force does their weight control program. But in the US Army you have to meet certain height and weight requirements. For example im 72" and my maximum allowable weight is 200 pounds for my age group. But my weight is at 220 pounds. So when you do not make weight a Training NCO gets a tailor tape and tapes your neck and waist like 3 times and they calculate the results with your weight, age and height and get a certain percentage for your body fat. Like for my age group its 24% and i am usually at that or 23% and if you dont make it you get flagged from favorable actions like awards, promotions and schools. Like I just came back from WLC in WI and they weigh you in and adminster a PT test when you report and if you fail they send you back to your home unit.
so I had the Samuel Smith Winter Ale last night, and it was as delicious and smooth as I remember it from last year. Have to pick me up a few more bottles next time I'm at BevMo to hold me over

Currently sipping a Marke Altenmunster's alright...nothing spectacular
I like those Sam Smith's beers, but they punch your wallet in the nuts. I have a hard time justifying the price. I do think most of them are worth trying at least once. I hope to find the Winter Ale soon.