Best Current Bay Area band?


Nov 19, 2001
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Since so many of you guys are Bay Area dwellers and bay area thrash fans- I was wondering what is the best metal band out there in the Bay Area these days?
For Thrash= Testament................For $ & fame= Metallica..........High Energy=Vio-Lence................ Disappointing= M H.............Getting Better Each Record=Skinlab...........
Up coming good band= 40 Grit...............Highly anticipated= Exodus.............3/5 of Death Angel=Swarm.............Trying to be Merciful Fate=Hail Satan............Still Slam'n=D R I............
Who's the best band in the bay area right now?
There are many to choose from......

I'm sure since this is the Testament board I should give
them their props, as I do and so if this goes without saying,

I'd choose VIO-LENCE!
