Best in Genre

Oh yea 5th, well you think Grim Reaper is one of the best classic bands, and they suck, and you left megadeth, metallica, slayer, and exodus out of your list of thrash bands, and those are the pivotal bands in the genre. So suck on that biznitch.
I can understand that, with their recent actions and albums they have almost cancelled out their early works, but they still made a few great albums.

Stop making threads, just for the sake of making threads.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
Oh yea 5th, well you think Grim Reaper is one of the best classic bands, and they suck, and you left megadeth, metallica, slayer, and exodus out of your list of thrash bands, and those are the pivotal bands in the genre. So suck on that biznitch.

ok first of all, grim reaper owns. bands dont have to take themselves seriously, and try to act all brutal and angsty (you know... like just about every black metal band that has ever existed) to be a good band. Get past the image of grim reaper and listen to the music. Steve Grimmett has a great voice (check out his other band Chateaux, they own as well), and the band was very tight musically. They are on MY "best in genre" list, I never said they should be on yours... so fuck off. I also left off the following bands for various reasons:

Megadeth: a fairly decent band, but just not one of my favs

Metallica: duh...

Slayer: the most over rated band in metal. show no mercy is awsome, as is hell awaits... reign in blood, seasons, and south of heaven are all pretty good, but overrated. post south of heaven is rediculously boring and generic. oh and like salyer.. kerry king is the most overrated metal guitarist. Go jeff!

Exodus: the baloff (rip) years were damn good, but I just like other thrash bands more... I couldnt put EVERY thrash band I like on the list...

and tyrant... with the exception of exodus NONE of the other bands you mentioned are "pivotal" to the thrash genre. Popular... sure, but not pivotal, and certainly not the best. you need to expand your musical horizons and stop shopping for cds at hot topic.
crimsonfloyd said:
Fucking dumb ass, funeral doom is a well established genre. Look it up on metal archives, theres almost 100 bands...

No its not you fucking dicksucker, funeral doom? seriously are you fucking kidding. Why do you have to make up genres for small differences in music. The difference between doom and funeral doom isn't as big as the difference a black metal and hard rock, so stop acting like such a know it all and shut your fucking mouth. Wow, almost 100 bands making funeral doom, thats nice, how many bands make death metal, or black metal, or powere metal, a lot more than 100. So funeral doom is not a big deal.
Wow, how many bands does it take for anyone to realize that they're actually doing something with their lives, instead of being a passive consumer glutton like BMT?
That doesn't really make sense. Unless of course you're implying that by listening to a lot of obscure bands you're doing something with your life. But that would be wrong. Because if you meant it as a mockery it certainly failed due to your wording.
Blod Draum said:
Wow, how many bands does it take for anyone to realize that they're actually doing something with their lives, instead of being a passive consumer glutton like BMT?

What are you talking about? Passive consumer?
yeah, the wording fucked itself up, but i was hoping no one would notice.

what i meant was: "Wow, how many bands does it take for anyone to realize that the bands themselves are actually doing something with their lives, instead of being a passive consumer glutton like BMT?
BlackMetalTyrant said:
What are you talking about? Passive consumer?
What the fuck do you think it means? I called you a passive consumer glutton.

Figure it out, dumbfuck.