Best Metal Band Ever?

Best metal Band

  • Anathema

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • Anthrax

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Sabbath

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Carcass

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Dark Tranquillity

    Votes: 7 8.2%
  • Death

    Votes: 8 9.4%
  • Iron Maiden

    Votes: 20 23.5%
  • Judas Priest

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Manowar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Megadeth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Metallica

    Votes: 21 24.7%
  • Mercyful Fate / King Diamond

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Moonspell

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Motorhead

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My Dying Bride

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Paradise Lost

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Testament

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Sepultura

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Slayer

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Kreator

    Votes: 1 1.2%

  • Total voters
Misanthrope. So what, other people started to like them and they got popular & you wanted to be "Different" or something?

I got into metallica in 1991 when i was 10 years old ( almost 11 i think ) and got everysingle cd and listened them until i memorized everysingle thing about all of them...until i got bored. Then i realized all this people who liked crappy local bands where Metallica fans and i started thinking why Metallica has so much fans until and started to study their career movements. I met some people into metal that love them and others than hated them and listened to both parts ( all this before the Load thing so there where very few Metallica haters that made asome points ). By the time Load came up i was surprised with Until it Sleeps single cause it was better than all my spectations and bought the cd, and the proceeded to try hard and getting into it cause i did not totally agreed with the anti metallica people i know but i ended up saying this is garbage. By that time i was also discovering a good number of hardcore ( wich is even more simple but has something metallica wishes to have: sentiment ) and Death Metal ( well.. ) acts for some more years putting my Metallica obsession behind me and changing all my Metallica cds for better stuff ( Like the black album for Peace sells but whos buying and the first nativity in black compilation it was a killer deal ).

You see i was the biggest fan, one of the only people that could play all the master of puppets cd on guitar ( not all the leads until recently ) and new a good deal of the other songs, and i was the typical Load sucks lets bash metallica either. I say im Objective about it because i went from having my room covered with Metallica posters to the point where i found their music simplistic cold and plain sucks. Besides the last years have put them to shame killing all the respect i had left for them, the first 10 years where not so bad compared to the past 10 years, but then again i missed great 80s band and realize there was a ton of bands that where a 1000 times better and less concerned with the "lets get on the radio" theme or that were just about the same kind of rockstar assholes but at least they had talent like Megadeth.
@Misanthrope: Playing the whole Puppetz album doesn't mean shit.. Could u ever come up with these riffs? I don't think so.. that's what makes James a genius..
MetallicA never sounded like Megadeth.. Megadeth always sounded like MetallicA..
Sentiment in music is in the eye of the beholder.. I could cry with Orion.. I could cry with My Friend of Misery.. I could cry with To Live is to Die.. I could even cry with One.. and I know I'm not the only one.. the fact that u can't doesn't mean anything..
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Well that is irracional did zeppeling spawned out from nowhere and never listen to a single thing to influence them? this is why i do not trace back roots i trace back bands i like and it hits a wall in bands like old death or old benediction or old venom. I think this is what you are doing, its ok everyone does it but what i was trying to say is that i dislike the " x band influenced y band that influenced the O band you love " is really unreasonable to follow that logic cause it ends up in africa.

I'll stop this discussion here, because you are right. This tracing crap would get you back beyond Africa, to some half-ape half-man staring at a dinasaur, picking his nose, humming in a grunty sort of way:lol:

Really - every musician has an influence from somewhere.
@Metalmancpa: mock me if you want but i will never respect the musician who influenced the musician who influenced me. I respect the music of an artist and sometimes it has an influence on my writings, but i dont give a damn if Mikael likes Maiden they are still idiots to me and on top of that i do not like their music at all ( i can apreciate good music even if it comes from idiots but this is not the case to me )

@TheMindzI: A couple of things. One if you cry to those songs you are too impresionable and you might as well cry to linking park or stain and i would like you to live my life forever, im just sad not a decision i can make. And i have more solid and catchy and elaborated riffs than anything on Master of Puppets, but for your disgrace or maybe your fortune i have nothing to prove to you i have just things to express, and i will not push the primitive state of my band and rush to kick out the bass player and get another one to make things fast it shall come when its time to and i will personally try in every possible way to avoid you from even listening to my music, in fact anyone who has such an strong opinion about metallica will never understand my music and i wouldnt want them to waste their time and my energy, they would hate it anyway.
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Hetfield is your favorite rhythm guitar player? he is a musical genious? I hope Mikael reads this and laughs as hard as i am right now. how can you say that? you are telling me that a stupid blues player than has absolutely no technique and prides himself of doing some of the most stupid things ever like using downstrokes all the time because he CANT fucking play upstrokes and make it sound good is a genious for you? Lets go back to that example. When you use alternative picking you have a good sense of rhythm to correct your irregularities and compensate them until you acomplish a more standarized picking, getting this is hard and few people i heard master it like Chuck Schuldiner did, Niklas and Frederik back in the minds eye era, if you ever pick up a guitar try playing Zodiackyl light by DT of lack of compression by Death using nothing but downstrokes, and you tell me that is a good technique good enough to make you a genious. You just cant and the only thing you will acomplish is severe damage to your wrist, Hetfield is a fucking idiot who never learned the right way to pick his guitar and prided himself of develpoing speed in downstrokes thinking no one would notice how alternate picking are actually better and economical if you are good enough to PLAY them but he thinks he is better cause he plays like a 70's punk idiot and telling all the kids out there that is ok to hide behind it cause no one really knows what is best in guitar technique. THIS is your genious? What burton is a genius too? a stupid asshole that realized that guitars are supposed to have 6 strings after he already bought his first bass and just played bass like a guitar? what he could use his fingers? big deal anyone with 2 months of classical guitar traning can, he knew a lot about music? how come he never did something original and used the same boring rythms, the same scales over and over ( blues offshot scales ) the same boring thing that the guitar does over and over? the same harmony over and over doing nothing but fiths and 8ths so the guitars sound completly consonant and you dont make a mistake in the harmony? yea this guy is a musical genious. What about the drumming? i have never played drums for more than 5 consecutive minutes and i can play EVERY SINGLE FUCKING METALLICA SONG BY MEMORY ON DRUMS WITHOUT MISTAKES ok? and i suck at drums he is the most boring untalented and uncreative drummer to ever take a drumkit, he does nothing he has being doing the same thing over and over and never used a sincopated lick, never used some contratempo stuff, the only stuff that went outside his linear playing where obiously rooted in the guitar and just follows it like one just follows the picking.

:lol: :lol:

Oh, You are the living end...
this bullshit makes my day.:D
Originally posted by metalized
This is the most incomplete list i have ever seen.
Queesnryche are worse than Moonspell, right???:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course
Originally posted by Misanthrope
@TheMindzI: A couple of things. One if you cry to those songs you are too impresionable and you might as well cry to linking park or stain and i would like you to live my life forever, im just sad not a decision i can make. And i have more solid and catchy and elaborated riffs than anything on Master of Puppets, but for your disgrace or maybe your fortune i have nothing to prove to you i have just things to express, and i will not push the primitive state of my band and rush to kick out the bass player and get another one to make things fast it shall come when its time to and i will personally try in every possible way to avoid you from even listening to my music, in fact anyone who has such an strong opinion about metallica will never understand my music and i wouldnt want them to waste their time and my energy, they would hate it anyway.

Allright Misanthrope,

Put your money where your mouth is. Play Master of Puppets start to end, and put it on If you do a half way decent job, I'm gonna lay off your ass... otherwise you're toast.

Start by saying: Wolff, you motherfucker... this is for you from Mexico/Misanthrope whatever.

Do it. I'll be waiting.
and i will personally try in every possible way to avoid you from even listening to my music, in fact anyone who has such an strong opinion about metallica will never understand my music and i wouldnt want them to waste their time and my energy, they would hate it anyway.
Misanthrope, you are one confused individual.
If you're music is so good, why wouldn't you want everyone to experience it?
Also, why can't anyone who appreciates Metallica appreciate your music as well? Especially if you're as good as you say you are.
What ever happened to variety? People are capable of liking different types of music.
Put your money where your mouth is. Play Master of Puppets start to end, and put it on If you do a half way decent job, I'm gonna lay off your ass... otherwise you're toast.

and Misanthrope, you have to play the drums drum machine..:p
hehe wait you people want me to do it on drums or guitars? guitars i will in a few more days when i a new soundcard. Drums is a pain in the ass but i would, however im not going to borrow the drumset, use a mixer to place the 4 mics on the drum ( last time i did that i blew out my soundcard ) and so on i refuse to go to such lenghts to prove a point to people on a fucking board, im confident enough to do it if anyone offers a constructive solution but i mean come on listen to master of puppets drumtrack if you have been playing drums for over a year or two and you cant play the full thing on drums you should either quit the drums or killyourself cause you are not going anywhere.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
in fact anyone who has such an strong opinion about metallica will never understand my music and i wouldnt want them to waste their time and my energy, they would hate it anyway.

I LOVE Opeth :)

Originally posted by Misanthrope
One if you cry to those songs you are too impresionable and you might as well cry to linking park or stain and i would like you to live my life forever, im just sad not a decision i can make.

I hate LP and all that stuff.. and I didn't say I've ever cried with one of these songs, but I certainly could.. they ARE emotional in their own way.. ok they don't talk about girls or whatever if that's what u mean :)
Originally posted by MacMoney
Perhaps Megadeth sounded like Metallica because Mustaine wrote quite a lot of Metallica's material.

Perhaps that was because of Dave's ego.. he was kicked out of the band and he just wanted to prove that he could do it on his own.. I've read about a Dave's statement, after leaving MetallicA..
"Let's see what Metallica's gonna do when they run out of my riffs.." or something like that.. ahahhaha.. I'm still lauging on him :) He's such a jerk..
Anyway I think Megadeth had greatest musicians than Metz but they could never catch up with them.. MetallicA are still a greater band..
And Mustaine is a pretty good musician.. Megadeth's still one of my favourite groups.. well til Youthanasia.. and he did write a lot of Metallica's material, which he used on Megadeth as well.. he's SO selfish.. but still, Metallica was always one step ahead..
One step ahead into a big pile of bullshit. Megadeth outdoes metallica in every possible aspect even in the pretencious outlook and attitute indeed, but i found your comment interesting. You dislike the fact that Mustaine said what he said about his music, but he was kind enough to even let them use them at all Metallica is a band today because Mustaine spared them some riffs like you spare some cash to a homeless in the street because he was not threaten by them he knew he could far outdo them and he proved it. A selfish attitute however would have been making a lawsuit blocking all his riffs from Metallica's albums. Mustaine is a sick arrogant bastard like satori, and Metallica was afraid of him cause he would catch up all the glory and would demand all the recognition so they thought they could do better on themselves. Not once they have proved better in their instruments, or musical composition skills is just something that is beyond their ability the only thing is Metallica stayed true to the composition formulas Mustaine taught them to get more popularity without making any real significant progress until another outsider ( burton ) decided to step in on master of puppets and taught them yet another lesson on how to do music. For their misfortune the idiot died and they did their next 2 albums with nothing but uncreative overrated formulas they learned over the years, more concerned in consolidating the "Metallica" sound than making something creative, after this musically is only a big falldown into letting other people ( like that Rock dude ) do the lessons and shape their music loosing all integrity as musicians. They just followed formulas until today on how to make cheese music for the mases, a category many people here dislikes with their patetic " im a metalhead and i like Metallica" comments. They are indeed overrated and they have been for 20 years never having something original and always having outsiders coming in and telling them the best way to stay catchy and simplistic for the simplistic tastes.

Edit: You like Opeth? good for you i dont care i just know you wouldnt understand experimentation, Opeth has always kept some of their sounds and moved it into another part but Opeth is no a band who does a complete 180. You wouldnt understand my songs you would say they are too weird with too many illogical parts and songs along im way too experimental if you think Metallica has made any progression at all other than making alterno crap to sell records.
Originally posted by TheMindzI
Perhaps that was because of Dave's ego.. he was kicked out of the band and he just wanted to prove that he could do it on his own.. I've read about a Dave's statement, after leaving MetallicA..
"Let's see what Metallica's gonna do when they run out of my riffs.." or something like that.. ahahhaha.. I'm still lauging on him :) He's such a jerk..
Anyway I think Megadeth had greatest musicians than Metz but they could never catch up with them.. MetallicA are still a greater band..
And Mustaine is a pretty good musician.. Megadeth's still one of my favourite groups.. well til Youthanasia.. and he did write a lot of Metallica's material, which he used on Megadeth as well.. he's SO selfish.. but still, Metallica was always one step ahead..

Dave is a fucken jerk. I had backstage passes to their concert, and Megadeth were supposed to hang with some selected few and give autographs, chat and whatever for 20 minutes. Dave sat in this chair tying his shoelaces for 17 minutes, I kid you not. One of my friends (of comparable size to Mustaine, and rigorous military training) almost got into a fight with him. What a tit...

Metallica are still a greater band because of writing ability. Jaymz is a very talented writer, and Lars is a very good arranger. I would have liked to see Jaymz and Dave write some songs again. That would have been intriguing. I guess Jaymz was still pissed at the beating Mustaine gave him 10 yrs ago hehehe.

Send the G-d damn Master riffs. Otherwise your opinion is just ramble.
@Misanthrope: u've always got something more to say huh? :) I really enjoy that.. anyway the Justice album is uncreative and overrated???
About Dave and Jaymz.. hmmm.. an example.. The Mechanix (with Dave's contribution).. and The 4 Horsemen (edited by Jaymz).. which one do u prefer? That's a tricky one :pP
@Wolff: I know he's a jerk.. He used to fight with Jaymz about who was going to stand on the center of the stage on concerts.. whatever.. there's still that Rust In Peace album that kix ass :)
leadfoot wants me to play drums and i will not its hard to record drums.

You havent said if you want me to record the drums or the voice ( i only know pulling teeth on bass and i dont have a compresor ) besides i will say it again i have no sound. No sound goes in or out of my pc right now my dad is bringing me a new soundcard in 2 more days.

Besides i do not understand how can you doubt i can play them if i stated i can play things like Opeth or Death or DT in several ocations i mean even you can see how those ( specially Death ) require far more ability. I suppose you will say that i should record those too and proved to you.