Obituary's John Retardy lol ? He's everything that's wrong with death metal vocals.
Shoutout to Barney from Napalm Death.
I'll give you that. He actually sounds like an adult version of a spoiled brat who gets angry when mommy won't buy him that videogame he needs to have to survive.John Tardy is one of the most unique death metal vocalists in history
Fear Factory are some of the worst noise-gate metal ever and Burton C Bell is just a lame/hipster wannabe Barney Greenway (with added FX and clean bits!) so your opinion of John Tardy is hereby stricken from record.
He actually sounds like an adult version of a spoiled brat who gets angry when mommy won't buy him that videogame he needs to have to survive.
I'll give you that. He actually sounds like an adult version of a spoiled brat who gets angry when mommy won't buy him that videogame he needs to have to survive.
Killer track, I'm a fan of West's. But ffs listen to that guy.
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. John Tardy is a very good growler.You're a retarded faggot.
Listen to this instead. Fucking disgusting. 0.43, 2:17 - end.
You want power? Ares of Aeternus is a beast.
Check out 2:55 - 3:53
"In shimmering circles of silver light, an icy wind and spitting fire, through flowing stream, and ancient moooouunnntttaaaaaaaaaaiiiinnnnn! Thou alone dost see me!"
Basically the entire performance, but here's some of my highlights:
When the vocals first enter at 6:40, fucking chills. "Bloodred sky, bloodred fields, the sun in its last breath..."
8:21 - 8:37 holy fuck. Blood curdling.
10:34 - 10:50 - "Their blood shall paint my armour, as I slay them all brutally!"
11:45 - end - "My wary hatred engraves fear in their faces as they see their death! I am war, I am death! My hammer crushes skulls and bones, screams of fear. My sword's thirst drowns in blood tears and begging for mercy! I laugh and kill, I am the God of war, I am ARES!"
3:46 - 4:16 "I will hunt these weak infidels, my people's souls must be given their rest, they must be given their rest, I will HUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTT"
well don't tell ME that. Tell metal legend Max Cavalera. I'm just the messenger.Erik Rutan and Johan Hegg.
That Soulfly chorus fucking stinks though. You really do like that gay shouty shit don't you? lmao.
because they're actually powerful. The less powerful your growls, the less intelligible because you have to add a ton of bullshit (hand muffling the mic', fake-growling, weird throat posture etc...) to make up for the lack of natural power. A lot of the brutal death metal vocalists out there can't really growl for shit, and it's just a matter of producing enough distortion from the vocal chords that it's considered somewhere within the boundaries of "growling". Glen Benton is sort of the father of deep growling, and I can actually tell what he's saying most of the time, I never had to google the lyrics to 'Blame it on God', that chorus is just pure death metal catchiness and a lot of it is due to Benton's excellent growling, same with Dechristianize. But nobody has a clue what the fuck Mohammed Suicmez is blabbering about on the Necrophaggot albums, okay sorry *Necrophagist the first record was brilliant respect due.What I love about Johan Hegg is how intelligible his growls are, you can almost make out all the lyrics by ear alone.
I'm not usually a fan of the ultra deep and guttural vocals, but this guy is insane. BAAAAAPPPHHHOOOMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTT!
Also, did you even listen to the Aeternus links? Because while their first 2 albums are definitely black metal, Ares' vocals are deep death metal growls. There's a bit of shrieking, but it's mostly low growls. So no idea what you are talking about!