Best non-melodic metal vocalist ?

well don't tell ME that. Tell metal legend Max Cavalera. I'm just the messenger.
How about contributing something positive to the thread, assclown ? (yes, I'm a big Office Space fan). Users post links, some dude shits on them. Now that's gay. Wtf are we doin here ? Suggestions rather, let's see some links.

I'm having more fun shitting on your shitty choices, but thanks for the suggestion lmao.
Nergal’s vocals became more brutal after he got (and beat) cancer

Well. I agree it's fucking disgusting, but probably in a way different from yours. Hey, I tried !

Let's see. Oh yeah, Johan Hegg. One of the best I've heard. Now that's a virile, powerful voice:

Oh, nice. The most boring and mediocre band in the history of death metal.
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Oh, nice. The most boring and mediocre band in the history of death metal.
One likes or dislikes Amon Amarth, but Johan Hegg is a great vocalist nonetheless. Conversely I love certain bands...that have shitty vocals. Decapitated is the best example I think. The vocals are pretty horrible on Nihility, they were like 7 when they recorded that so... but it's fantastic death metal. Or is that boring and mediocre death metal too ? I dunno.


he's not that bad. Put in a few brutal performances for SFU. His squeels I always found bad and his voice does crack occasionally... but he's got that trademark sound and he's actually growling, sometimes pretty deep.

Johan Liiva is another one. The first Arch Enemy vocalist. Thought he brought a lot to that band during those first three records, the music is what it is but at least they had a semblance of being legit back then.
Jeff fucking Becerra. True legend.

Please answer honestly: is there a part of your appreciation for his vocals due to legendary status ? Or do you think he's actually up there with the best extreme metal vocalists purely based on merit.