Best of 2006 so far

final draft, i think:

1. Woven Hand - Mosaic
2. Enslaved - Ruun
3. Magyar Posse - Random Avenger
4. Espers - Espers II
5. Scott Walker - The Drift

Honorable Mentions:

Paatos - Silence of Another Kind
The Mars Volta - Amputechture
Zombi - Surface to Air
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars
1 - Unleashed - Midvinterblot
2 - Anata - The conductor's departure
3 - Sinister - Afterburner
4 - Cannibal Corpse - Kill
5 - TOOH - Order and Punishment
6 - Grave - As rapture comes
7 - Mastodon - Blood mountain
8 - Panzerchrist – Battalion beast
9 - Obscenity - Where sinners bleed
10 - Spawn of possession - Noctambulant

Also mentions to:
first half of Suffocation - Suffocation
Slayer - Christ illusion
Akercocke - words...
general surgery

still to hear:

Converge - No heroes
Arsis - United in regret

and no I didn't put any of my own releases in :goggly:
but please do check them out!!
in all honesty its a pretty terrible album, but some songs were quite catchy

yeah forgot about this recommendation. it's a decent album in that particular genre, thats true. but i used to listen to that stuff when i was in high school and got quite tired of the whole sound eventually. dont get me wrong, it's not a matter of maturing or's just that those kinds of songs dont do anything on me anymore really.
In regard to MCR's new album- I gather that NFU is something of a respected music authority around these forums, but frankly, I have to disagree with him on this one. The Black Parade isn't terrible for emo rock, but it's still emo rock, and IMHO it doesn't distinguish itself from the pack enough to make it worth a listen.

The Black Parade (and emo rock in general) relies too much on themes that I think most intelligent listeners will find obnoxious; frankly, it's a damn whiny album.

Its subject matter is silly, the musicianship is meh, and the singing alternates between boring and annoying.
Oh yeah, and I'd have to agree with the Blood Mountain nomination.

Dragonforce's Inhuman Rampage was pretty sweet, too, if you can enjoy the music without taking the thematic material seriously (the band sure doesn't; they're pretty clearly just shitting around and having fun).
Nina Nastasia - On Leaving; a pretty good album which has not been mentioned here yet(i think).
Oh yeah, and I'd have to agree with the Blood Mountain nomination.

Dragonforce's Inhuman Rampage was pretty sweet, too, if you can enjoy the music without taking the thematic material seriously (the band sure doesn't; they're pretty clearly just shitting around and having fun).

blood mountain isnt all that different from most semi ambitious metal albums these days, anymore than MCR's new album isnt all that different than most other "emo rock" as you put it. i think its your perspective which is to blame here (and the stigma youve given them), not the musical ability or content of the album.
mewithoutYou - Brother, Sister

Totally fantastic.

agree with you 100%. IMO one of the most underrated bands out there. if anyones never heard of them, give them a listen, you may be suprised and fall in love with them.
blood mountain isnt all that different from most semi ambitious metal albums these days, anymore than MCR's new album isnt all that different than most other "emo rock" as you put it. i think its your perspective which is to blame here (and the stigma youve given them), not the musical ability or content of the album.

I've heard some pretty respectable people with diverse tastes and generally little interest in derivative metalcore crap tout Blood Mountain as one of the best metal albums in years... and I still haven't checked it out.

I would really like to hear Colony of Birchmen especially. Josh Homme > your mother.
Don't have Blood Mountain yet, but the previous Mastodon releases and seeing them on Ozzfest didn't really make me a fan. I can't imagine Blood Mountain will change much, will it? I mean, they're interesting for a bit, but I find it all a bit forced.
Don't have Blood Mountain yet, but the previous Mastodon releases and seeing them on Ozzfest didn't really make me a fan. I can't imagine Blood Mountain will change much, will it? I mean, they're interesting for a bit, but I find it all a bit forced.
If you didn't like Mastodon's previous releases, I wouldn't bother with the new one. It's different, but the core remains unmistakably Mastodon.
blood mountain isnt all that different from most semi ambitious metal albums these days, anymore than MCR's new album isnt all that different than most other "emo rock" as you put it. i think its your perspective which is to blame here (and the stigma youve given them), not the musical ability or content of the album.

You're entitled to your opinion, of course. Personally I'd say Blood Mountain is a good deal better than most "semi-ambitious metal albums," though- at least for me, it achieved what it was supposed to achieve. It took me on a trip. And, call me crazy, but I think maybe a genre like emo rock (more or less a genre based around the principle of whining...) deserves a little stigma...

Anyway, when it comes down to it, my opinion can be summed up as "The Black Parade hurt my ears, but Blood Mountain made them happy again."