Best power metal this year so far?


Jan 11, 2006
Seems to be a shortage of power metal released so far (especially of the cheesy variety which I adore). Just bought Dark Moor's latest and Cruachan's latest.

I haven't listened to Vision Divine's... listened to Masterplan MKII (great album), listened to Thunderstone's (great album).

And I know we have Elvenking, Iced Earth, and Nightwish still to look forward too...
I haven't listened to too many yet, but for me it's Thunderstone - Evolution 4.0. I like it even more than the new Morgana Lefay, and if you know anything about me, you know what a strong statement that is.
Stricktly speaking Power Metal... I haven't picked the best so far but some contenders are:

Dark Moor- Tarot
Grave Digger- Liberty or Death
Heavenly- Virus

I'm interested in, but haven't heard, the new releases form Silent Force, Iron Savior, Sabaton and Powerwolf.

Like Azrael LenGraden, I also think the best Power Metal for the year has yet to be released.

Since you include Cruachan I assume you mean other types of Metal also, for which I'd list:

Wintersun- Wintersun
Therion- Gothic Kabbalah
Ensiferum- Victory Songs
Well I consider Cruachan power-folk. Similar realm as Wuthering Heights I guess. And yeah I forgot about the Heavenly album. I need to check that out.

Grave Digger's didn't click with me. But I know a lot think its great so I'll revisit it.
How could anyone forget the monster of an album as "8th Sin" by Nocturnal Rites!?!?!?! This album is a guarantee in my top 5 for the year.
I haven't heard a power metal album this year I really liked other than Ride the Sky's "New Protection", but I'm still waiting for Andre Matos' debut album coming out next month.
even though I don't care for power metal in general, the first thought to come to mind was
I haven't listened to too many yet, but for me it's Thunderstone - Evolution 4.0. I like it even more than the new Morgana Lefay, and if you know anything about me, you know what a strong statement that is.

It's so scary just how much we agree on things...

You rock, dude!

Rock on!
My favorite so far is definitely Vision Divine's "The 25th Hour" even if it is pretty much solely based on Luppi.

Glory Opera's "Equilibrium" is a very close runner up though. Don't really expect that to change.