Best Thrash metal amp for 900$?

I tried the fireball in the store today. I'm gonna buy it very soon! What a mindblowing brutal tone! I didn't try it with a boost, so I can only imagine what it will sound like with a moaxon Od808 infront:)
5150 all the way. trust me, been there, done that, got the t-shirt - and the 5150 :lol:
i'd stay away from the 2203 if you need more than just one rhythm sound and play anything heavier than oldschool thrash. for modern thrash, the 5150 is hard to beat.
the framus cobra does just that, though, but then again we're talking a whole other league as far as $$$ goes....

Aye, everybody has their own opinions, but the older JCM800s crush 5150s. They are incredibly deep, thick, huge, etc. They're a more dynamic amp then the compressed 5150.

5150s are good amps, but EVERYBODY uses them and that tone gets kind of old. Am I the only one who thinks that?

If you want a Marshall that's a bit more modern, go for a VHT. I owned a 50/CL and it killed both my 5150s (one 5150 was even FJA modded).

Again, 5150s are a decent choice...but it's not what I would go for...
bro....i HAVE a jcm800 sitting right next to a 5150....sitting right next to a framus cobra and a line6 hd147 (which is a damn fine amp if you ask me) :lol:
before i bought the cobra, i mainly used the 5150 for thrash metal rhythm guitar playing, and i still think that amp fits that style like a glove. the jcm800 was great, too, we all agreed on that. lots of note definition and clarity, not very compressed just like you said above. but then again, it lacks punch and brutality - unless you crank it up to 11, but who is able to do that?! that's where the 5150 comes into play: we felt it could sound like a jcm800 on steroids, but also much different and more brutal if you want to. that's why so many bands use the 5150, it's a very versatile amp as far as metal playing is concerned.

as for the fireball....don't do it. just don't do it. great amp in your bedroom and when playing without a band, no doubt about that. might even be a good recording amp, i don't know.
gets TOTALLY washed out in a live setting. it's just way too scooped sounding even with the mids up high. this is not just a prejudice or whatever you want to call it, this is based on the experience of seeing a lot of band using ENGL amps (pretty much inevitable if you live in germany).
That's half the fun of playing those old 800s though, you HAD to have them on 10! :rock:

I had so much fun playing my old 2203, it's just a good simple heavy metal rig with an SD-1. No loops, no extra knobs, nothing.