big news.

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I don't want to get embroiled in an abortion relation debate but if I were you and she was fine with having an abortion I would be fine with it as well. If she wanted to have the kid and adopt it or not I would go along with those options too. IMO, ultimately, it is the mother's decision concerning what to do with the child/fetus since most of the raising, birthing etc. requirements are primarily hers to deal with (generalization I know, but there is some truth to this).

Edit: I just read that it was a false alarm, never mind.
If there's anything that makes me glad I can't get laid it's this kind of shit.


God created me and i'm not getting any so fuck him. Send me a whore with aids and send me to hell. I can't even get my head between the legs of a girl i've know for months!. FUCK

It's like God gave me goodlooks and made a dumbfuck, and the dumbfuck outweighs the decent jeans. I swear girls want to fuck me and than eventually find out i'm just a dumbfuck.
The other problem is I only have my permit and have done the 5 hour course and not having a car is starting point to sending a girl away... once a girl knows this it does not matter if she attracted to you she will loose interest especially if she is a younger and does not drive, it's like someone get a fucking car!

I'm 20 and do not have a car which sucks and you're 17 you can try too.
Man, Greys you are just a big happy ball of stupidity...welcome back. Closing this's done. Let us know what happens Astrum.
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