big news.

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I just stumbled across this thread...

I'm pro-abortion. I don't think that getting an abortion is the same as killing a little newborn baby, although many disagree. It's you guy's life & I don't think it's right to ruin your life even if it's for your child or family.

I know you're young. If you're in a good relationship with this girl & you think you will be able to love her & your baby then maybe you should have the baby. If you feel that you're truly not ready for it (which I doubt you are) then I think an abortion is the way to go.

If you decide on keeping it I suggest really trying to get as close as you can to your baby's Mother. You don't want her to take your child from you & get 40% of your earnings for child support for the next 18 years. I'm just saying, that's worst possible scenario & I've seen lives ruined over similar scenarios.

I know people who are loving parents as well as people who have had kids when they clearly weren't ready to. If I was going to raise a baby I wouldn't want to do it alone.
I have eight people living in my house. Theres no room and no money for a baby. But i dont want to kill it, i mean its mine. It would be blonde haired blue eyed. Very swedish looking, considering the fact that im blonde haired blue eyed and my girlfriend is the same, and shes actually from sweden.

idk i dont want to kill it. adoption, worst case scenario. but its still so early.

Ha ha, make up your mind kid. It looks like most of us are trying to help you. Abortions aren't bad, just be more careful next time. Respect the girls wishes, they're usually moer involved with the child anyways. You say you have a job & abortions are only $300 I believe. Your life doesn't have to end now.
Out of anyone's advice in this thread I appreciate Crimson 713's the most, although I thank anyone who gave me serious and thoughtful advice. but.....

my girlfriend had her period yesterday. We sort of freaked when she was a month and a half late, so she took a pregnancy test.

late period AND a false positive on a pregnancy test? what are the chances of that?

well all I know is she had her goddamn period and it feels like the weight of the world has just been lifted off my shoulders. I'm still slightly worried though.
But she took a fricking pregnancy test, and it was positive. I'm still taking her to the doctors, I dont care if she had her period. I mean she obviously cant be pregnant, but still. How often do you hear of a false positive on a pregnancy test?

Somebody up there in the doctors office that gave her an abortion.

"Oopsies. Guess my period was just a month and a half late. Oh well."

It's a conspiracy.

Admittedly a conspiracy that worked in everyone's favour, but a conspiracy all the same.
I think it's somewhat common for fertilized eggs not to make the whole trip. At least that's what I seem to have learned from the last abortion/unnatural selection thread. She may have been pregnant, but the little guy didn't make it.
Ugh. Puns.

The best thing to do, especially if your girlfriend is in a state of mind where she won't kill an animal, but is willing to kill her baby, is talk to her about it and figure out what the best course of action is for both of you. You may not like it, but abortion doesn't have to be the answer. The child will be better off (and not dead) if you give him up for adoption. I disagree with cookiecutter's point of view on this matter. Why kill it? Why? There's really no reason unless the child is concieved through incest, rape, or there's a danger to the mother's life. The best alternative is to see the pregnancy through, then give the child up for adoption.

This is your mistake, bro. I hate to put it like that, but at the same really is. The only foolproof way to not have a baby is to not have sex. Your girlfriend is pregnant, and now you have a big choice to make. I don't think that you should get an abortion. This is a huge moral issue, and when abortion is used as a means of birth control, it teaches the youth of America irresponsibility and desensitizes them to violence and, as I believe, murder. Don't kill it, let someone else raise it, someone who, perhaps, might not be able to have their own child. If the sex that conceived the child was meant to be a loving bond to bring the two of you closer together, killing the creation from that union would seem rather foolish, or so one would think.

Sorry if this topic has been done to death at this point; I read up to this point in the thread and felt this needed a response. If it's too redundant, Nec can delete it.

First off Crimson, there quite clearly is plenty of reason to have the abortion, to say there's none is patently false. If he's unable to properly raise a child right now, then having one now is just going to make a lot of people's lives a lot more difficult. Unless you really think one potential child is more special than another (which is a real disservice to one of those kids), or you're religious and you think you're destroying a soul by aborting a fetus, there's really no reason to have the kid now.

Astrum, if you have the abortion now and wait to have a kid when you're more prepared, you're not going to love the second possible kid any less than you would the first. And the kid you would raise later on would have a vastly better quality of life than one you would raise now.

To Crimson's second paragraph: all you're really doing is making overblown generalisations about abortion to impose your moral biases upon Astrum, which is a pretty shitty way to give advice. It's pretty easy to argue (as I've just done) how much more responsible it is to have a kid when you're ready as opposed to when you're in high school, have shit income, and are living in a crowded house. There aren't any fucking rules about getting pregnant, so don't make it sound like their are.

Obviously the final decision is up to Astrum and his girlfriend whether to have an abortion, put the kid up for adoption, or raise it themselves. But seriously Astrum, make sure you fully understand how each possible decision would affect the rest of your lives. How would you look back on your decision 5 years from now? 20 years? 40? That's what matters the most.
Out of anyone's advice in this thread I appreciate Crimson 713's the most, although I thank anyone who gave me serious and thoughtful advice. but.....

my girlfriend had her period yesterday. We sort of freaked when she was a month and a half late, so she took a pregnancy test.

late period AND a false positive on a pregnancy test? what are the chances of that?

well all I know is she had her goddamn period and it feels like the weight of the world has just been lifted off my shoulders. I'm still slightly worried though.


Run home astrum! Run home as fast as you can!
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