big news.

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Not my drink goddamnit..
I heard something not too long ago about a new way doctors discovered to get stem cells, they don't need embryos anymore.
I heard this as well. They can get stem cells from just the egg. If I recall correctly, it actually came out of that disgraced Korean scientist's work.

:lol: You fucking fail, pussy, for thinking I was serious. The picture cracked me up so I posted it, duh.

Hint: The Arnie pic.
Alright then. People are totally serious about that kind of bs though.
There was a pretty big religion thread a while ago, and you can always create a new one. It's my favorite debate subject so I'd love to get into it with someone new.

While I would love to do this, I'm very adamant and emotional about my religious beliefs, and I tend to get angry after a few posts of debate. Some things are better just left unsaid by me, so I'd much rather take a rain check until I get my emotional stability back.
When I debate religion, I take things extremely serious, I get emotional, get angry, then I get illogical and will eventually find myself telling people to fuck off and die, which goes against nearly every fundamental Christian belief. I may, at some point, join in the debate, but will eventually wind up bowing out, if I can't control myself.
I'm generally apathetic on the subject of religion, so I'm not much to participate in such discussions. My basis for this is that human logic can always win the argument (because we are all restricted to the context of human logic), but the fact that a divine entity may exist is beyond the bounds of human logic, therefore it's pointless to argue such matters in the first place.
I think the last religion thread pretty much covered all of the arguments for and against religion that can really be made.

(though if someone made a new thread I probably couldn't resist the temptation to jump into the discussion again)
If I was a mod I would say "GET THE FUCK ON TOPIC". But I'm not so I just sit here posting. Fuck I'm bored.
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