big news.

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i've probably said more valid things in this thread than you've said in your entire life

here are a few more words of wisdom for you:

- nobody will ever improve themselves unless you let them suffer the consequences of their mistakes without sugarcoating and spoonfeeding everything

- an unborn baby isn't "alive" in any significant way. the unborn baby is NOT a human being. anybody who dictates some arbitrary border between life and non-life (point of conception, however many months, whatever) a delusional tool.

- anyone who thinks life in itself has value is a delusional tool.

- people who are pro-life in this situation but anti-adoption, due to the possibility of it going to a bad home, are idiots. the obvious probability is that the people adopting will make better parents than some irresponsible high schooler.

ill think of plenty more in a minute
What you would do is also irrelevant. Again, telling people that they should "take it like a man, deal with it" is abhorrent. I believe it irresponsible to father an unwanted child. It hurts EVERYONE including the child.

ysee, shit like this is generally bullshit, people who've had troubled childhoods tend to end up stronger and more interesting. if i didn't love my parents too much to do so, i'd wish mine hadn't been so comfortable
I have eight people living in my house. Theres no room and no money for a baby. But i dont want to kill it, i mean its mine. It would be blonde haired blue eyed. Very swedish looking, considering the fact that im blonde haired blue eyed and my girlfriend is the same, and shes actually from sweden.

rofl i only just read this, he's going to groom his kid into some kind of fucking aryan warrior

that's awesome, i like you more now
You know what I meant dipshit. That baby can still sense, can still feel, can still respond to stimuli, etc.
Life starts, and though the debate rages on with scientists, more are starting to agree with this point of view, AT CONCEPTION.

I'm sorry, and to be perfectly honest I didn't even read the rest of the post after this, but this right here is just a boat-load of stupid. "Life" does not start at conception. The sperm and egg are just as alive as the zygote/embryo/fetus is. The grass in front of your house is as alive as the zygote/embryo/fetus is. It is tautological to say that "life starts at conception," and just because something possesses "life" does not mean that it is "alive," let alone a human being. I assure you that a fertilized egg is NOT a human being, and flushing it out will cause the egg no more pain and suffering than would uprooting some carrots and potatoes from the ground.
I'm sorry, and to be perfectly honest I didn't even read the rest of the post after this, but this right here is just a boat-load of stupid. "Life" does not start at conception. The sperm and egg are just as alive as the zygote/embryo/fetus is. The grass in front of your house is as alive as the zygote/embryo/fetus is. It is tautological to say that "life starts at conception," and just because something possesses "life" does not mean that it is "alive," let alone a human being. I assure you that a fertilized egg is NOT a human being, and flushing it out will cause the egg no more pain and suffering than would uprooting some carrots and potatoes from the ground.

I will admit that currently, and when I posted my previous post, I am drunk and high, and the life starts at birth thingus is a part of my beliefs and faith system, which is better reserved for a religion thread. At this point, I am now forgetting what I am saying as I type, so bear with me. Apparently girls from this town are stuck-up bitches but love black cock, according to the black people in the hallway. I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say, so whatever...:zombie: :Smokin: :rock:


smilies is fun.

Anyways, I'll be right back, I have to go get something

ok I'm back.

To get back to my main point, if that belief alone isn't enough, the heart starts beating at three weeks, and brain activity begins not long after that.
Well...I've said all that I can really say, and I said it while high, so I probably made an ass of myself. With that having been said, I'm going to do the respectful thing and bow out of this debate. I'll keep my views, y'all keep yours, and Astrum, weigh both sides before making a decision.
I will admit that currently, and when I posted my previous post, I am drunk and high, and the life starts at birth thingus is a part of my beliefs and faith system, which is better reserved for a religion thread.
There was a pretty big religion thread a while ago, and you can always create a new one. It's my favorite debate subject so I'd love to get into it with someone new.

Are you serious? Most stem cells come from embryos stored for in vitro fertilization, many of which would be discarded anyway. You fail.
Funny.. I was having a casual conversation with my brother this evening during a walk on something very similar to what necuratul said. It went something like this.

<me> plants don't have a nervous system, right?
<him> nope
<me> that's why we don't have 'plant rights' groups, just like animal rights.. stopping people from cruelty to plants when they're eaten and such. its about that particular organism(plant/animal) feeling pain when its killed or harmed, doesn't it? or it isn't cruel or immoral to kill it.
<him> yep. vegetarians actually don't prevent killing.. they prevent causing pain.
There was a pretty big religion thread a while ago, and you can always create a new one. It's my favorite debate subject so I'd love to get into it with someone new.

Are you serious? Most stem cells come from embryos stored for in vitro fertilization, many of which would be discarded anyway. You fail.

I heard something not too long ago about a new way doctors discovered to get stem cells, they don't need embryos anymore.
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