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have the child, then bring it up on death metal and stuff.

You know, this statement makes me wonder... some parents put headphones on the mother's stomach and play classical music to develop the child's thinking abilities...I wonder what would happen if you played metal?



In all seriousness, I really think abortion is the way to go. You are not financially or emotionally capable of having a child, and I really doubt your girlfriend is either. You're in high school. Ambiguous morality aside, this would be the best thing for every living person involved. A child would be an extremely difficult thing to raise, and still do the things you need to do to be the most successful in life (college, work etc.) This is why I feel really passionate about keeping abortion legal. If you couldn't have one, pretty much your, her and the child's life would be very much impaired. In the end I really think it's her decision to abort the fetus or not, but I really think you should consider the option as well.

Best of luck man

yo but seriously. If you are in high school you shouldn't get a baby. Just finish school THEN get another one..

Abortion is the only solution, unless you want to end up being a white trash..
Ugh. Puns.

The best thing to do, especially if your girlfriend is in a state of mind where she won't kill an animal, but is willing to kill her baby, is talk to her about it and figure out what the best course of action is for both of you. You may not like it, but abortion doesn't have to be the answer. The child will be better off (and not dead) if you give him up for adoption. I disagree with cookiecutter's point of view on this matter. Why kill it? Why? There's really no reason unless the child is concieved through incest, rape, or there's a danger to the mother's life. The best alternative is to see the pregnancy through, then give the child up for adoption.

This is your mistake, bro. I hate to put it like that, but at the same really is. The only foolproof way to not have a baby is to not have sex. Your girlfriend is pregnant, and now you have a big choice to make. I don't think that you should get an abortion. This is a huge moral issue, and when abortion is used as a means of birth control, it teaches the youth of America irresponsibility and desensitizes them to violence and, as I believe, murder. Don't kill it, let someone else raise it, someone who, perhaps, might not be able to have their own child. If the sex that conceived the child was meant to be a loving bond to bring the two of you closer together, killing the creation from that union would seem rather foolish, or so one would think.
give birth to the child and then give it to a pack of wolves to be raised in the wilderness and learn the rules of survival
Ugh. Puns.

The best thing to do, especially if your girlfriend is in a state of mind where she won't kill an animal, but is willing to kill her baby, is talk to her about it and figure out what the best course of action is for both of you. You may not like it, but abortion doesn't have to be the answer. The child will be better off (and not dead) if you give him up for adoption. I disagree with cookiecutter's point of view on this matter. Why kill it? Why? There's really no reason unless the child is concieved through incest, rape, or there's a danger to the mother's life. The best alternative is to see the pregnancy through, then give the child up for adoption.

This is your mistake, bro. I hate to put it like that, but at the same really is. The only foolproof way to not have a baby is to not have sex. Your girlfriend is pregnant, and now you have a big choice to make. I don't think that you should get an abortion. This is a huge moral issue, and when abortion is used as a means of birth control, it teaches the youth of America irresponsibility and desensitizes them to violence and, as I believe, murder. Don't kill it, let someone else raise it, someone who, perhaps, might not be able to have their own child. If the sex that conceived the child was meant to be a loving bond to bring the two of you closer together, killing the creation from that union would seem rather foolish, or so one would think.

Couldn't have been said better.... I'm a liberal and i used to be Pro Choice but lately I am Pro Life because that is your blood and it is a child whether a fertilized egg or a full grown baby in her womb... forget the law or scientific definition of what is a human in a womb... it is human regardless... and your child... if you go through with the abortion you may not regret it now but down the line you will when you think back that you had your child killed...

btw I am liberal, Pro Life (except in cases of incest, rape and harm to the mother) and Anti-Death Penalty for those who call all Pro Lifers hyprocrites....
Astrum, don't listen to these people trying to appeal to emotions by saying "Oh, it's your own, it's your blood, don't kill your child, oh noes!"
What you need to do is seriously sit down with your girlfriend and think about every aspect of both your lives, as well as your family's lives, that will be affected by this. Given the situation you've described, the last thing you need is a baby, which at this stage, the thing inside your girlfriend is not (yet).

Your educational and career opportunities will be severely impacted in a bad way if you and your girlfriend choose to have this baby, and so will you and your family's finances. I'm sure either your or her family will essentially be paying for the kid for you since you probably don't have a job, or at least don't have a very good paying one.

You need to think in terms of practicality. Having a baby won't be good for either of you. The lives of two smart human beings are more important than a bunch of cells that isn't even alive yet.
I don't get why anyone wouldn't be pro-choice. It isn't your body, it isn't your life, it isn't your decision.
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