Billy Milano rumour *sigh*

word, we do have some devotion. If you counted all the hours I spent driving to and from shows, well, it would be a lot, hahaha.
There are very few things which reunion bashers and reunion fans can agree on.

Yeah outside of the fact that we are all fans of the (IMHO) greatest fucking metal band ever.

This fact is the reason that I would sit down for a beer with any one of you mother fuckers and be damn honored to do so.

We would have to find a meeting place that is the same distance from all of us just to make it fair!

I'll bring the burbon!
it would be freakin' awesome to get together with everyone on this board and get shitfaced.

Bring it on, my little town is open 24/7 :rock: :kickass:
All I can say is that debating rumors won't get us anywhere. We basically have to just wait and see how it all plays out.
And that's all I have to say about that
How about Burger King in Montreal Quebec Canada. Corner of St Catherine & Guy. Support the "Man" then off for some drinks & toast to the best metal band of all time. Montreal Canada style:kickass:
Heres a thought. Has there been no word from those that know cause they dont know the situation themselves.
Has Joey told them hes leaving, and there trying to get him to stay.
That rumor actually did not come from Mr. Milano. Of Joey leaving Anthrax. There was something about 2 weeks ago or so on the net. But ya know how it is hearing things on the net? its like reading the newspapers or worse! THE NY POST!!! So please don't think it actually came from Billy, it DID NOT. I say again IT DID NOT>

P.S. bad ass Anthrax tat! I should show you mine.. if I had a pic somewhere? oh that's right in the Great of Two Evils CD, if you use a mag-glass.
That is something that is worthy of a 7 page thread......

.... FUCKING TESTAMENT! I saw them in October and they were nothing short of amazing! Even if Alex does kinda look like Edward Scissor hands and has a streak in his hair.

Anyway, I agree..... Rumors like this need to be addressed (that is to say denied, temporarily or long term, or said to be true) by an official source quicker. Otherwise you end up loosing all the hype.

Whoever made the Van Halen reference said it best. If you had told be, even 2 or 3 years ago, that VH was getting together with DLR I would have been first in line for tickets. Now I kinda don't care as much. A little tease is nice, a lot of tease makes me get blue balls.


aint no fun getting blue balls..:waah:
Yep, I completely agree. While I am sure most people here don't like The Melvins, I ended up driving close to 650 miles on a three day jaunt around Michigan and Ohio recently to see three shows in a row on their current tour.


I've flown from Madrid to London 3 trimes to see Anthrax play!
And now I'm booking a flight as we speak to go in July to see the Sacred Reich reunion show!!!!!:rock: :rock:
haha, true!

But it's not a matter of impressing. Hell, if I could afford it, I'd follow bands on tour (no..... not like a groupie). But it's true that metal fans have a dedication to the bands/music they love that I don't see in other types of music.