I agree with the first part, until an official announcement is made, anything said isnt official. They did say John didnt leave the band, because at that time he was 'part of the family' (whatever that means). Circumstances have obviously changed and Bush has said that the Anthrax chapter of his life looks to be over. Crook and Rob are gone, but so were Joey and Dan. Losing fans all over the world? I dont know where you got your info from, but i hope its not this message board. You never told us you were in touch with the Uzbekistan Anthrax fanclub, how many fans have they lost?
And die hards? I think a real die hard would support the band rather than diss them. If people that diss the band are what you call die hards, then im sure the band doesnt give a shit whether they 'support' them or not.
"Black 13 says go jump off a bridge"