black/death vocal techniques...huh?

Originally posted by Soultorn
work on your clean vocals first. Those will be the hardest to get down. Shit... I've been singing for 6 years and I'm FINALLY confident of my singing ability.

My growls are already perfect, at ;east thats what my friends tell me. Last time we saw In Flames, a lot of them said I sounded better than Anders:rock: And my clean vocals aren't horrible, they could just be better. I have trouble with certain notes, and holding a note for extended periods of time. I wanna be able to wail like Barlow. And I think it would be awesome being able to switch between singing like that and growling my ass of
Try to do raspy growls like Possesed or Death . It's not a full throat growl but you can begin with that . Then you begin to add "Flavors" in your growl. Most important , try to exercise or warming your voice. Excessive growl can
harm your throat , and end up without voice permanently.
Soultorn; I read through your advice..that's pretty much exactly what I do for my vocals. Singing/screaming from your gut takes A LOT of stress off your throat. When I scream using my diaphragm, I can get a lot lower tone. Something else that helps is cupping the mic with your hands, to let it pick up all the sound..but most of you probably knew that already. I find myself drinking a lot of water and some green tea with honey on occasion. I've been the vocalist in my band for a good nine months now (I was the bassist before that), and about four months ago my throat was used to the abuse..for the most part. I guess it's just from the gut-technique. I've never heard of the shock-absorber thing..but I might use it sometime.

Something else that helps me with my lung capacity is singing clean the highest and lowest note you can do as long as you can. Doing that about every day will really help.
In was wondering that same thing. i am in the same perdicament as DCLXVI. we dont really know who is gonna sing. i have kinda wanted too for a while, but i dont think i have the guts for it. That whole thing about seeing yourself as a god, seems to help. ill try to techniques you say. i hope they work.
It's like adrenaline...once you get going, there isn't any limit. Plus.. if you're ONLY singing (unlike people who play and sing at the same time, like me), you should have ALOT of control over your voice.
Originally posted by Novembers Paul
People will tell you to "sing from your gut" which is true to a degree. Just remember, no matter where your energy is pushed from, your vocal chords make the sound, so keep the throat in good shape.

When we record, I do ALL my growls in one day. I do them first, then I record all my clean spoken vocals right after, because at this time, your throat is so loose, you voice really drops low, and gives you that deep soothing sound, GREAT for spoken word stuff. Then i take several days off, and return to actually "sing". Another point was made to use a buffer for your vocal chords... The last CD, I went through two 2 liters of Coke, making sure to drink after every verse to keep it well moist. And, you get a really cool "wet" sound to your voice.

Keeping your vocals moist is important and it sounds much better. Although, pop (or soda, for you non-minnesotians), seems to be bad for my vocals. I like water much better. It gives that "wet" sound you stated, but whatever works for you I guess.:D
well, if you were screaming for a long time, or you managed to push yourself really hard, that's very natural. Just keep practicing like that and your throat will get a little more used to being that way. It happens to me after we play live or go into the studio. For christs sake, they're only vocal cords, lol.
That is when I usually take a "shock absorber". Milk right after or something like that. feels good going down, and plus... if you need to continue singing... that helps a little as well... especaily if you have some phlegm going on. Try your growls then, haha.
yeah, but just remember not to strain your voice too much, too often. Your throat only should hurt when you've really pushed yourself big time. Otherwise.. no... it shouldn't hurt at all afterwards.. unless you've been screaming for a long interval.
This Shock absorber is really not such a bad idea. I actually think light beer is one of the best things to cool the throat with after a couple of hours of screaming (not only because it's so damn tasty, it's really soothing as well). And even if it has been said before, I'll say it again: warm up before you start screaming! This is really important, do some humming exercises, "do-re-mi" or whatever, stretch your tongue and get warm in general, your entire body should be singing, not just your throat. And to get the diaphragm technique under control, hold your hands slightly above your hips and try to feel your belly "jumping" as you sing. If you can feel that, you're probably pushing the vocals from the diaphragm... or you're just being really silly, standing there with a hickup. ;)
By the way - growling might result in total loss of voice - I mean not being able to speak at all. Vocal chords are as easy to break as a wings of a fly (if you can catch a fly, hihi ;)) - with no exagerrating. Be very careful with that stuff...
Okay there goes another question...

I can sing "deep", like Ville from Sentenced and (Goth Forgive me) Valo from HIM, and with a little effort catch some moonspell-esque moments.

No major trouble on that end.

However there is where the shit starts, Im in a trash metal band, I discovered I can sound like Mille (kreator circa Violent Revolution, endorama) or Martin (Skyclad) with relative ease, however, I can always feel the stress on my throat, any tips for these more Trashy vocals? specially the higher screams?
i was just wondering, sometimes when i growl i'll do it normaly then all of a sudden it'll feel like air passes through my vocal cords so fast, that they gargle and shake. is thats good or bad?