Black Metal, Part II

Windir, Drudkh[no one knows the lyrics.. so I am talking the music itself..], Nightshade, Diabolical Masquerade has some sorrowfilled stuff.. thats all I can suggest rightnow.. perhaps some Ancient[Lord Kaphaias days]
Susperia said:
Are In the Woods and Forgotten Woods fairly unknown bands? I searched for them on DC++ several times because I want to hear them---nothing comes up. Bah.

I have a few of their Albums.. well ...In The Woods anyway. Feel free to bother me on AIM and I'll hook it up.
ermm possibly early dimmu borgir (for all tid and stormblast) good albums but we all no dimmu borgir suck hehe...

im just adicted to a blaze in the northern sky by darkthrone... dont think tht as anything to do with sorrowful black metal tho lol... :rock:
Mütiilation - Remains of a Dead Ruined Cursed Soul, Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions
Beatrik - Journey Through The End of Life
Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind
Lurker of Chalice - S/T
Nortt - Gudsforladt
Striborg - Mysterious Semblance
Kataxu - Roots Thunder
Wigrid - Hoffnungstod
Burzum - all the metal albums, obviously
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon, Transylvanian Hunger
Ulver - Bergtatt, Natten's Madrigal

there's a few.
Carpathian Forest is great, I love their work.

Naglfar is good but the newest album is kinda like a "Dimmu we love you!" album... Really iffy about it.

Anyone ever heard of Winter of Apokalypse? I love their debut album Solitary Winter Nights. It is the ex-members of Thy Infernal in a new project.
The Bringer said:
Naglfar is good but the newest album is kinda like a "Dimmu we love you!" album... Really iffy about it.

Really? I've been a fan for 7 years now.. I dunno.. I love the new album. Everyone has their own taste. I personally thought it was a step back in the direction of Vittra and other BM from those years. But that's just me. I am biased I guess since they are teh homies.
The Bringer said:
Anyone ever heard of Winter of Apokalypse? I love their debut album Solitary Winter Nights. It is the ex-members of Thy Infernal in a new project.

I've heard of the band, but never listened to them. I was offput by the silly name, and I've never heard Thy Infernal either.