Black Metal.

If you only drink from a few taps you will become disenchanted over time. Constant pursuit is required to keep oneself from this.
If you only drink from a few taps you will become disenchanted over time. Constant pursuit is required to keep oneself from this.


I'm on the blogs/zines every weekend looking for new stuff. There is always some quality to be found.

I reckon about 70% of my recent album purchases come from reading reviews, then listening on Youtube.
Black metal is my favorite genre in terms of extreme metal, but what I find most interesting sometimes is rediscovering gems. I don't necessarily keep up with exact dates of new releases because that is just difficult and not entirely practical with life and all. Oftentimes, I would discover a great BM band from the early 2000s that I have missed. Sure, there is a lot of crap out there, but that is what forums and music websites are for... to assist in weeding out the crap! With that said some gems that I've been listening to (note some of it is Black/Death and post BM) that are not necessarily new are Dark Tribe's In Jeraspunta, Pensees Nocturnes - Groestque, Winterhorde - Underwatermoon, Lunatic Gods - Ante Portas (not necessarily BM... but definitely has some influences), Hades Almighty - The Pulse of Decay (really old but recently discovered this and am in love).

I really do love A Forest of Stars, but the single posted almost sounds Steam-punky. It's interesting, but am more interested as how this sound is all to fit on an entire album...
i love black metal it also is my favorite sub-genre of metal here are but a few bands that i like
Dimmu Borgir
Dark Funeral
mercyful fate
celtic frost
destroyer 666
ov hell
Why do people feel the need to post a big list of bands they like in threads like this?

Anyway, has anyone listened to Botanist?

The Botanist very recently put out his second album, Doom in Bloom. The first thing you should know is that the band is labeled black metal, even by metal archives, yet is totally devoid of guitar. Instead he uses a dulcimer. The dulcimer produces a heavy post rock feeling and the actually does feel fairly black metalish at times.

This isnt at all for people who are only into the more traditional or harsher types of black metal, but if you're interested in the post rock or shoegaze side of black metal, I definitely think this is worth a listen, if for no other reason than how unique it is.

Here's something from the first album
This actually made the hair on my arm stand up the first time I heard it:
Anyone else like Black Metal, im into the more popular bands such as 1349, Darkthrone, Dark Funearl, Gorgoroth and Dimmu Borgir.
I'll never forget the night I saw 1349 live in manchester, one of the best gigs ever, and when Enslaved were on the lead singer looks straight at me and gives the horns which was wicked.
Theres just something about Black Metal that makes it unique from any other genre, and I'd probobally be lost without it.

I love this genres overall sound usually the vocals are good or mediocre but such an ambient vibe overall
So, folks, what are the best albums of 2012 so far?

Mgla - With hearts towards none
Dråpsnatt - Skelepth

for me.:headbang:
From black metal?

Mgla - With hearts towards none
Dodechahedron - Dodechahedron
Formloff - Spyhorelandet
Marduk - Serpent Sermon

Deathspell Omega - Drought
Haven't heard anything that's blown me away this year, though honestly I've spent most of it listening to 90's black metal I had either not listened to in years or had overlooked. I like the Dodechaedron, but not as much as some. I find it to be a somewhat inconstant album. The Deathspell Omega and Agalloch EPs are both very good, but a slight step down from their previous two full lengths.

Gonna check out the Mgla and Formloff today; definitely need some new material.
Was going to mention Agalloch's EP but passed on the potential groans.

Please do report back with your feelings on those other two albums.
Can't wait for this. I've been persistently listening to Opportunistic Thieves of Spring over and over in anticipation. I agree, this band really is something great.

I am likewise enthused about it, though perhaps not to the extent that you are.

What's your opinion on the 'robotic' vocals that occur on that final track from the aforementioned album? I think it works, but some people don't like it.
Was going to mention Agalloch's EP but passed on the potential groans.

Please do report back with your feelings on those other two albums.

I've given each 3 listens now and I really like the Mgla a lot. Really strong melodies and the vocals, which I initially didn't like, are starting to grow on me. The Formloff isn't doing as much for me. At first glance its somewhat self loathing for my taste. Some of the prog elements are cool, but some feel kind of forced. I'll give it a few more listens though and see if it grows on me.

So I did an interview with Disa from Turdus Merula. Very good ambient black metal that will appeal to fans of the first few Burzum albums. This my first time interviewing, so if anyone has any feedback I'm all ears.
So I really like the Mgla a lot and its been in constant rotation. The Fromloff didn't do much for me.

I've really been enjoying Laster's debut demo, Wijsgeer & Narreman. Beautiful melancholic black metal that reminds me of Drudkh and Nagelfar, but most definitely has its own sound.

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^ You see, and I felt the prog elements were really organically interwoven...quite natural. Shrug. Certainly feel as though the Mgla release was superior though.