Black Metal.

Black/Death/Grind, but I file it under Black Metal. What impressed me the most about this release was the vocals, the most dynamic VITRIOL has been. He does inhuman screams, growls, clean singing, and even brutal death gurgles with a hint of "scree".
I'll get Dem Mysteriis Dom Sathanas eventually, but I've decided I'm probably going to order Ulver-Nattens Madrigal sometime this week. What do you all think of that album?
I'll get Dem Mysteriis Dom Sathanas eventually, but I've decided I'm probably going to order Ulver-Nattens Madrigal sometime this week. What do you all think of that album?

An intentionally studio knob twiddling "grim" production ruins the album's mystique for me.

Even so, I dont think it's that great. There are better ones out there.
I'll get Dem Mysteriis Dom Sathanas eventually, but I've decided I'm probably going to order Ulver-Nattens Madrigal sometime this week. What do you all think of that album?
I enjoy the album. Not as good as Bergtatt, but enjoyable. If you do not have Bergtatt, get that first.
DMDS is their best, and in the top 5 most essential black metal albums of all time, but not quite the epitome I'd say. I'd put it at #3 after...

1. In the Nightside Eclipse
2. Under the Sign of the Black Mark
3. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
4. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
5. Transilvanian Hunger