Blackened thrash/death doesn’t sound good?

it says “my pals” in the message Smedrick sent me because he called me the n-word. The mods changed it so you couldn’t post the word lol

angry weird black metal dude that doesn’t even like riffs…. Just wailing wearing a bedsheet covered in makeup.

Your shitty taste is the low throat singing ugly vocals that sounds like a frog. You have no taste you disgusting pig. Burzums vocals are great though but you fag rock n roll old pedo without joke or anything NEED TO DIE AND I SWEAR TO GOD I WOULD LOVE TO DO IT BUT YOU WILL DIE AND BURN SOON I PROMISE.

Blasphemy rules. OP and Varg are retards.
YES! Mutiilation is good.

Burzum also and with his shrieking vocals and not some ugly fucking frog Donald Duck vocals that sound like shit. Akitsa are also great, Transilvanian Hunger with Darkthrone too. I have taste to like raw and pure bm instead of black n roll shitty ugly sound like some dads band.
That real pedofil can’t hear riffs in satanic warmaster song I linked to, hahaha that disgusting trash. I like spectral wound too, a diabolic thirst, that pedo can’t hear riffs obviously.
This is one of the best, satanic warmaster is great, cant hear any riffs at all here?
You 200% honestly deserve, to be hanged with your family cut up your children and then hang them.

Listen you shit eater, Immortal was not real clean no matter if they were first. They made pagan black n roll. So take your shitty gay music and put it in your ass.
I'm with Death Delirium, oddly. I don't really care for Immortal prior to ATHOW except for the odd track or two. Yes, they moved away from the black metal sound of yore, used a producer who knew what he was doing and played more death metal and classic heavy metal to the mix, but it works. Quite easily my favourite band to have ever been a black metal band, the wintery atmosphere, celtic frost influence on SOND and mid-tempo gallops all have me rubbing vanilla ice cream into my testicles, while Penguins watch.
I'm with Death Delirium, oddly. I don't really care for Immortal prior to ATHOW except for the odd track or two. Yes, they moved away from the black metal sound of yore, used a producer who knew what he was doing and played more death metal and classic heavy metal to the mix, but it works. Quite easily my favourite band to have ever been a black metal band, the wintery atmosphere, celtic frost influence on SOND and mid-tempo gallops all have me rubbing vanilla ice cream into my testicles, while Penguins watch.

I remember the actual Carcassian from way back (can't @ him for some reason but his profile's still here), OP obviously remembers him too.
I remember the actual Carcassian from way back (can't @ him for some reason but his profile's still here), OP obviously remembers him too.
I think that current (politically correct) thinking is that a dislike for this kind of conversation would imply a fear of sexuality or potential homesexual tendencies which you are suppressing - hence my minor change and emboldening in your text. (I quickly add that I do not subscribe to that theory, but there you go). Yes, the whole analogy is rather stretched!

You are also right in saying that assuming it is fear that motivated this fellow to switch off the stereo is short sighted. He may just have found it offensive; this is something which had not occurred to me when I read the first post. Satanism (to me) is an even more ridiculous notion, something akin to an evil pantomime. As an atheist, the one thing I find more bemusing than belief in God is that someone would (in real life) support Satan. I also find the Christian belief in Satan really rather incredible. My wife, as a Christian for example, believes in Satan.

That aside, I suppose that if I were forced to listen to music where the lyrics were something like "Carcassian and all his family are a bunch of fucking cunts" over and over again, I might switch the iPod off too.