IT IS BEN'S FAULT! (Someone has to be the guy)
I am suffering, too. I have a bad cough and my nose keeps running, and my throat aches. I don't feel like working tomorrow, too. But once I found out the best way of getting rid of a cold is ignoring it.
A few minutes before Beave left, he looked like he's fainting every second. I was worried about him, he got the virus, too.
Drink chamomile tea, all of you!!
If any of you guys can get a hand on a plant named Echinacea, then buy some and make a tea of it and drink it. You can add some cough drops in it to make it taste sweeter. If you don't know where to find Echinacea, try looking at a pet shop. I am not kidding. They sell the dry herb of it, which is perfect for making tea. It heals you within just a few days, and you can also drink it prophylacticly. It strenghtens the immunic system and helps making up antibodies. If you don't have a cold or a flu yet, you can drink it low-dosed over a month, it will keep you healthy. If you already suffer a cold, you can take a larger ammount over a short time. The only thing is you can't take it when you have Multiple Sklerose, HIV, Polyarthritis or other diseases that already affected the immunic system. But anybody else can use it.
I hope I could help at least a little bit.