Bloodshed Over Bochum

Well I was there at Bochum too. I can't describe how great it was. Every night I was talking to different people from all over the world. People from Scotland, Australia, Canada, Germany(of course), lots of other Irish people too. Was up the front for 3 of the 4 nights. I didn't manage to get to the front for OSFTGH but thats alright, I heard and saw everything! :D

It was great meeting the band, coolest bunch of guys around. Got plenty of pics, just have to be arsed uploading them :P

If I was talking to any of you, thanks for all the laughs, it was a great time.


P.S. I was talking to a girl from Australia who was sitting with all us Irish for a while on one of the nights. I remember talking to you on the last night and being VERY VERY drunk. Whoever you were, you were very cool, and that was a good laugh! :P

P.P.S Just remembered something else! Does anyone else remember Ted Lundstrom walking around in aviator shades and a porno moustache? I couldn't stop laughing!
Done. It was so great. Amazing. Cool.

Yesterday, i sat in the train to work. All the time i had to think about these 4 days and all the cool things that happens. The great show of the guys. All 4 nights. After the show with all of you. It flashs in my brain and i see a cool scene again.

If there will be some like this again. I will be there. And if i had to travel to australia. Vaughan I'm coming ^^
Brutal as fuck meeting you all at Bochum. I had the time of my life. I really can't express how awesome it was to meet my sisters and brothers I've been chatting with forever. I am truly blessed.
Oh seeing the band was cool too ;) heheh (ever the smart ass)
For those of you at Tina's, dude you should see my bruises on my legs, they are nasty. See what happens when AA springs Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds and Burning Creation on me....I beat myself with excitement.

I've had a long long long trip home, I am tired, sick, no voice and haven't had sleep or a shower since leaving Bochum 39hours ago. So I am off to shower and then sleep the night away.
I will post pics tomorrow. Or a least the link to the site I was talking about in Bochum.

So much love to the Bochum crew. You made what I thought would a great trip, the trip of a lifetime. I will never ever forget this, and hold a special place in my heart for you all.

P.S. I will see you all again, of this I am sure.

To the band...
Since the Bochum shirts had the typo "2009" you should do it again this year. Or at least something just as epic. ;)
And thanks, for being just the greatest crew of guys who play such incredible music, that makes me want to growl (I suck at it) and loose my voice the first night. :notworthy

P.S. to the "stalker" I sees you. Just post bitch :)

YAAAAAA Rhonda so glad to hear you got home safely! I was a bit worried because I didn't hear from you. 39 hours trip, that is just insane! You US people should start thinking about that public transport thing again :P

Anyway, now I know that you are safe, the world is a bit closer to OK. I LOVE YOU SISTER!!!
Done. It was so great. Amazing. Cool.

Yesterday, i sat in the train to work. All the time i had to think about these 4 days and all the cool things that happens. The great show of the guys. All 4 nights. After the show with all of you. It flashs in my brain and i see a cool scene again.

If there will be some like this again. I will be there. And if i had to travel to australia. Vaughan I'm coming ^^

YAAAAAA Rhonda so glad to hear you got home safely! I was a bit worried because I didn't hear from you. 39 hours trip, that is just insane! You US people should start thinking about that public transport thing again :P

Anyway, now I know that you are safe, the world is a bit closer to OK. I LOVE YOU SISTER!!!

Yes, I'm fucking nutz for travelling so far to see a concert...this I know :P
All fucking worth it though. Fuck the US public transport system...being in Germany just fuels my desire to move overseas even more.

I'm wearing a special shirt at the moment, something about Pantera ;)
It must have been awesome... I hope they do it again sometime, and that i can be there then. :)

One question: did they play anything from "Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds" ?
yep...on the last evening they played Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds and Burning Creation

This was sooo damn awesome too hear these live....especially Sorrow... this one is just :notworthy
yep...on the last evening they played Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds and Burning Creation

This was sooo damn awesome too hear these live....especially Sorrow... this one is just :notworthy

too bad only very few in the audience knew what they were playing which is also why they don't play live much of anything prior to FoN now days

anyway, I had a good time, met some cool people and most of all survived it, although I am paying for it now

thank YOU AA
Good to see you are all safe.
Oh, Gnoff. I just realized yesterday that I have insulted you and I didn't notice. I want to apologize.
When you told me about you know what, I said you have "emotional intelligence". I didn't mean that! I meant emotional intellect! Intelligence is that spy agent thing! I didn't want to call you a stalker or something! I am so sorry, can you forgive me?