Brutal as fuck meeting you all at Bochum. I had the time of my life. I really can't express how awesome it was to meet my sisters and brothers I've been chatting with forever. I am truly blessed.
Oh seeing the band was cool too

heheh (ever the smart ass)
For those of you at Tina's, dude you should see my bruises on my legs, they are nasty. See what happens when AA springs Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds and Burning Creation on me....I beat myself with excitement.
I've had a long long long trip home, I am tired, sick, no voice and haven't had sleep or a shower since leaving Bochum 39hours ago. So I am off to shower and then sleep the night away.
I will post pics tomorrow. Or a least the link to the site I was talking about in Bochum.
So much love to the Bochum crew. You made what I thought would a great trip, the trip of a lifetime. I will never ever forget this, and hold a special place in my heart for you all.
P.S. I will see you all again, of this I am sure.
To the band...
Since the Bochum shirts had the typo "2009" you should do it again this year. Or at least something just as epic.

And thanks, for being just the greatest crew of guys who play such incredible music, that makes me want to growl (I suck at it) and loose my voice the first night.
P.S. to the "stalker" I sees you. Just post bitch