Bloodshed Over Bochum

Yes I hoped Amon Amarth would come outside of the VIP area but the only one who I saw there was Olavi...So only he signed the drumstick...Later I had to walk back home...stupid buses. I thought I would stay there until 5 or 6 o'clock so that I can drive home with normal buses and not take the night express...later I left together with the Irish...I think you saw them. The two guys with green hats.

I think the second part was more like:

Valhall awaits me
Free Will Sacrifice
Fate of Norns
Guardians of Asgard
Burning Creation
Sorrow through the Nine Worlds
Twilight of the Thunder God
Siegreicher Marsch (german)

Cry of the Black Birds
Pursuit of Vikings

I don't know if it's right but I remember Johan announced "Siegreicher Marsch" as last song.

I looked it up again on my playlist and it says:
Valhall awaits me
Free will Sacrifice
Guardians of Asgaard
Fate of Norns
Twilight of the Thunder God

Sorrow throughout the Nine Worlds
Burning Creation
Siegreicher Marsch (He started with German but later he turned back to English :( )

Cry of the Black Birds
Pursuit of Vikings (with special guests)
New Years Eve Party... was a bit of .. lame.

Standard metal disco and at eve there came a little message through the speaker... "happy new year". That's all. For a disco not bad for a New Years Eve Party boring.

wow. so at least I havent been dissapointet. Imagined this night as the killer New years eve of all time.

@Valkyro thats strange. They all came to the fans after the show for a bit of talking and stuff... took a couple of hilarious pics with them ^^

my newest Amon Drumhead... as ordered by fred.

Well, I am back now. I must conclude that Bochum is a pretty shit town, but seeing Versus the World more than made up for that. Had a great time, I was the guy annoying everyone with my Germany flag with some random tall guy and I was surprised how cool the band was. It was cool chilling with ted outside and getting smashed on Champagne.
Dude, I cant speak for everyone. But I had the TIME OF MY LIFE. All nights were awesome, but hearing Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds, Burning Creation.....bloody hell fucking amazing. Drank way too much everynight..made the most incredibly awesome friends.
Vman and I are heading out again but I will post all my happy details in a few days when I get home.
Well, I am back now. I must conclude that Bochum is a pretty shit town, but seeing Versus the World more than made up for that. Had a great time, I was the guy annoying everyone with my Germany flag with some random tall guy and I was surprised how cool the band was. It was cool chilling with ted outside and getting smashed on Champagne.

Did you happen to be the one who tried to push me into the frontline for 1000 years? I think you stood right beside me with your flag and someone yelled WANNE-EICKEEEL and somebody else said nobody knows that 2-horse-town anyway and I slapped him (because I am from Wanne-Eickel)... so if it was you, and you ever happen to be around again, I am gonna have some drinks with you, even if you say Bochum is a shit town.
Did you happen to be the one who tried to push me into the frontline for 1000 years? I think you stood right beside me with your flag and someone yelled WANNE-EICKEEEL and somebody else said nobody knows that 2-horse-town anyway and I slapped him (because I am from Wanne-Eickel)... so if it was you, and you ever happen to be around again, I am gonna have some drinks with you, even if you say Bochum is a shit town.

I don't know tbh...i think i was the only guy with a flag, but I was pretty drunk, don't remember everything perfectly. So yeah it might have been me, i kept yelling that Johann is sexy if that solves the mystery.
wow. so at least I havent been dissapointet. Imagined this night as the killer New years eve of all time.

@Valkyro thats strange. They all came to the fans after the show for a bit of talking and stuff... took a couple of hilarious pics with them ^^

my newest Amon Drumhead... as ordered by fred.

Vaughan has one saying "Tö Vaughan", does yours say anything like that? :P
Now tell me who is the one who should be jealous ^^

I did not get anything signed but Rhonda told me what she got for me and I swer on everything that this is the bestest, nicest gift someone ever gave me. I am so looking forward to it.
Rhonda I love you so much for all you did for me. And I so much love all the other guys I was hanging out with because YOU ARE METAL :rock:

Oh, and to -the guy with the unspoken name- (because now I know you are reading it): I thought of something to say thank you for... well everything.

So, here are my souvenirs my friends brought me (because we are speaking of make-me-jealous-souvenirs) Yes! I have cigarets from Colorado! Yeee-haaa!!!

I don't know tbh...i think i was the only guy with a flag, but I was pretty drunk, don't remember everything perfectly. So yeah it might have been me, i kept yelling that Johann is sexy if that solves the mystery.

Aaah you have short black hair and are as big as a Kleiderschrank? No, I know who you are. You are annoying, I cancel the offer.
Vaughan has one saying "Tö Vaughan", does yours say anything like that? :P
Now tell me who is the one who should be jealous ^^

So, here are my souvenirs my friends brought me (because we are speaking of make-me-jealous-souvenirs) Yes! I have cigarets from Colorado! Yeee-haaa!!!

ooook, vaughan is allowed to make me Jealous with his one. YOU FUCKIN ROCK, DUDE! :kickass::kickass:
but I fought hard for mine and stood in the first row the whole fuckin time. And I could write "To DamageInc." or "to Alex" on it... no one would notice:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: but Im proud as fuck, cause this is my second signed Drumhead from amon, I post a pic as soon as my Amon Amarth wall is done. then with all four signed Tickets and stuff, hope it looks as cool as I imagine right now :lol:.

I got one of those giant Marlboro packs, their pretty cool ^^ :lol:

anyway. I hope to see all of you crazy ass guys sometime again. :rock::rock:
You definately deserved it! And you are supposed to be proud of it!
You are gonna make an Amon Amarth wall? That is an awesome idea! I thought of doing something like that But I wasn't lucky getting souvenirs. BUT!!! I have them cigarets from Colorado!! Yeeee-haaaaaaaa!!! I asked Beave to bring me one pack of cigs from America so I can try it, and he ended up unpacking his stuff in my place and it was not one pack. It was not two packs. It was a whole bag full of american cigarets! I don't know how much he paid or how he got them through the toll but he made it!
I don't bend my knee to any human but I worship my brother! He bought me a Versus the world shirt because I ran out of money. He was by my side when I went to the frontline for my song because he knew I was all alone. He pulled me to the band guys so I can talk to them because he knew I so much wanted to say thanks to them. The night I got wasted, he brought me home safely in a foreign country, in a place he has never been before. He gave me his jacket because I was cold. He travelled across the globe so he can see Amon Amarth with me. He brought me an Autumn Spear necklace that says it shares its love for animals with me because he knows I love animals.
He is the most bestest brother anyone could ever have.
You have to look at the beautiful parts in Bochum. BTW I'm the guy with red hair who stood with you at the Currywurststand Sir Schwanzelot^^
Yeeeehaaaa finally back from Bochum!

God that were 4 truly amazing nights. Something I'll never forget for the rest of my life. Was nice to meet some of the people from here and have a little chat, even that was only yesterday and not already the days before.
The Concerts were just purely insane, the atmosphere was so fucking great...just unreal. Me and a friend of mine have been in the right front corner of the croud every night. Made it to the front row on the second and third evening so if there will be a DVD someday....maybe I will be on that as well ^^.
Also catched a guitar-pick from Johan on the second night and the Setlist from Olavi on the third this one signed yesterday :rock:
Had a little chat with three of the Amon Amarth members yesterday and the Day before and also took some photos. I asked Johan Hegg abouth the Story with his beard and the fire witch was mentioned in some other thread here...well he laughed but didn't want to tell me story :lol:
Also met the Singer of This Ending who was also there hanging out yesterday. When I saw him he was like standing around and nobody seemed to recognize him an I thought " know this guy from somewhere..." then it made click and we had a nice little conversation for a few minutes as he was not as "crowded" as the other guys.
The after show party itself was just like a normal metalparty...but what it made really special was all the people from all over the world. Everyone was friendly...had a few nice conversations...just the right ending for this great event.

phew...I guess that's all for now...still got to realize that this all happened :rock: